Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship
This Award recognises an individual or group, in any field of work, that has strengthened mutual understanding between Australia and China and thereby made an outstanding and long-lasting contribution to the relationship and the wider Australia-China community.
This Award is open to alumni, of any citizenship, regardless of location.
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Lucy Du | Heidi Dugan | Howard Gao WINNER | Adam Gong | Jason Li | Bruce Li | Yan Zhang |
![]() | Ms Lucy Du CEO, Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative University of Melbourne Australian National University 中澳青年领袖联合会首席执行官 墨尔本大学校友 澳大利亚国立大学校友 Lucy is the CEO of the Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative (ACYPI), the largest organisation for young professionals in the Australia-China space. Founded in 2010, ACYPI is a 100% volunteer-led organisation that is independent, apolitical, and focused on connecting young professionals and entrepreneurs to opportunities in the Australia and China relationship. ACYPI has 65 volunteers and over 3,000 members in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chengdu. Through regular events and initiatives held across Australia and China, ACYPI seeks to ENGAGE, CONNECT, and EMPOWER our young professionals community, and provide a valuable contribution to the Australia-China relationship. Lucy is a passionate community builder, and her professional and personal interests have resulted in her building communities across investment, education, female empowerment, food, and even Zumba. Lucy是中澳青年领袖联合会(ACYPI)的首席执行官,该组织是在中澳领域最大的青年领袖组织。 ACYPI成立于2010年,是一个百分百由志愿者主导的独立组织,不涉及政治,专注于将青年领袖和企业家与中澳关系中的机会联系起来。ACYPI有65名志愿者和3000多名成员遍布悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、珀斯、阿德莱德、上海、北京、广州和成都。 通过在澳大利亚和中国定期举办的活动和倡议,ACYPI力求参与、连接和增强其青年领袖社群,并为中澳关系做出宝贵贡献。 Lucy是一位热情的社群建设者,她的专业和个人兴趣使她在投资、教育、女性赋能、食品甚至尊巴舞方面都建立了社群。 |
![]() | Heidi Dugan Founder & Managing Director of Arete Group Ltd University of Southern Queensland alumna RMIT University alumna 南昆士兰大学校友 皇家墨尔本理工大学校友 Living in China for over 26 years, Heidi is recognized is a media darling with her popular TV program “You Are The Chef” with over 6 million viewers daily and social media following of 200,000+. She is a consultant to senior management of global organizations to better understand the local environment, foreign work culture in China and their strategic placement in the market. Heidi is Founder & Director of Arete Group, Chair for AustCham Shanghai, and Council Member of University of Southern Queensland. She works with Australian brands to help them successfully enter and grow in China. Her influence across Australia and China has been recognized through media coverage on Harper’s Bazaar, 9 News, Ausbiz, Australian Financial Review, China Daily, and Global Times. She also partners with the Shanghai Government and Women’s Association to help educate and train woman in health and nutrition, to have a positive impact on thousands of women. Heidi was invited by the Australian government to share her story at the ‘45th Year Celebration of China/Australia Diplomatic Relations’, which showcased the successful relationship between the two countries. She is awarded Leading International Woman in Business, best foreign TV Host, International Alumnus of The Year. Heidi 在中国生活了 26 年多,她因其受欢迎的电视节目《洋厨房》而被公认为媒体宠儿,每天有超过 600万观众观看,她的社交媒体帐号粉丝量超过 20 万。她是全球企业组织高级管理层的顾问,助他们深入了解当地环境、认识外国企业文化在中国市场及其在市场上的战略定位。 Heidi 是 Arete 集团创始人兼董事,上海澳大利亚商会主席,南昆士兰大学理事会成员。她与澳大利亚品牌合作,帮助他们成功进入中国并在中国发展。 她在澳大利亚和中国的影响力已得到《时尚芭莎》、第 9 频道新闻、Ausbiz 电视台、《澳大利亚金融评论》、《中国日报》、《环球时报》等媒体的报道并认可。她还与上海市政府和上海市妇女联合会合作,帮助并进行健康和营养方面的教育和培训,从而对成千上万的妇女产生积极影响。 Heidi 受澳大利亚政府邀请在“中澳外交关系 45 周年庆典”上分享她的故事,展示了两国之间的成功关系。她被授予国际商业女性领袖、最佳外国电视主持人、年度国际校友奖。 |
![]() | WINNER Howard Gao Chairman of Australia Education Society Inc University of Melbourne alumnus Monash University alumnus 澳大利亚教育协会主席 墨尔本大学校友 莫纳什大学校友 Howard came to Australia in 1993, Graduated with a double degree in Commerce and Arts at the University of Melbourne, he completed a master’s degree in business system. His knowledge and expertise in the relevant industry has enabled him to develop a rewarding and reputable career in the various industries that he has been actively involved in over the last 20 years. His global connection and networking have also allowed him to expand his career overseas. Amongst his many achievements, Howard has assisted many Chinese investors to achieve their financial goals. He has ventured successfully in numerous industries. He is currently awarded with Justice of the peace in recommendation, he is also managing 4 vocational training colleges, CEO of a labour hiring company and stakeholder of a few other companies such as real estate, migration and venture capital etc. He has also spent a great deal of time on charity groups, currently he is the president of AES (Australia education Society) which provides a professional platform to connect educational provider and practitioners to engage underprivileged Australian and international students in a broader range of educational opportunities and cultural experiences include “Trip to China” annual program. 高桦先生于1993年来到澳大利亚,2000毕业于墨尔本大学,获得商业和艺术双本科学士学位接着又完成商业硕士学位。在相关行业的知识和专长使高桦先生能够在过去的 20 年内积极参与的各个行业的发展,成就了一份回报丰厚且享有盛誉的职业生涯。他全球范围内的人脉网也使他能够在海外扩展他的职业生涯。 在他的众多成就中,高桦先生帮助许多中国投资者实现了他们的财务目标。而且曾在多个行业成功创业。他目前被举荐为太平绅士,他同时管理着4所职业培训学院,担任澳洲当地一家劳务公司的首席执行官以及其它例如房地产公司,风投基金,移民公司等其他一些企业的董事或股东。 他还花了大量时间在慈善公益活动中,目前他是 AES(澳大利亚教育协会)的主席。该协会提供一个专业的平台,将教育提供者和从业者联系起来,让一些贫困的澳大利亚和国际学生获得更广泛的教育机会和文化体验,其中包括每年一期的“中国行”活动。 |
![]() | Adam Gong Business Development Manager (Financial Services), Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) Australian Consulate General Shanghai Commercial Section University of Western Australia alumnus Macquarie University alumnus 澳大利亚驻沪总领事馆商务处,澳大利亚联邦政府驻华贸易投资委员会商务官员(金融服务业) 西澳大学校友 麦考瑞大学校友 Adam joined Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) in 2017 to take up the position of Business Development Manager at the Australian Consulate in Shanghai, and since that time he leads and is accountable for the design, development and delivery of financial services initiatives as part of Austrade’s Services and Technology mandate, with a principle focus on areas of institutional finance, fintech and emerging opportunities in broader innovation and technology commercialisation space. Driven by a strong passion for advancing commercial ties in a bilateral setting, Adam strives to provide value added services by leveraging the Australian Government badge across the Greater China market and strategic advisory – ensuring achievement of high value commercial outcomes for Australian businesses that contribute towards the nation’s economic prosperity. In his role as the lead financial service sector principal, Adam brings deep knowledge and insights into the experiences of engaging with local government agencies, industry allies, peak bodies and leading institutions to ensure the appropriate Commonwealth Government representation and support in place to promote and facilitate new services export and productive FDI investment attraction in the Australia-China space. Adam also brings an international perspective to his role with considerable experience in private and public sector, having worked both locally and internationally. Prior to Austrade Adam had diverse experience in finance and global business management with small, medium and Australian multinational corporations operating in China. He has undertaken transaction structuring, deal execution, risk management and strategy development across various industries. Adam’s commitment to the Australia-China relationship extends beyond the workplace, he currently serves on the AustCham Shanghai Financial Service Industry Committee and is also a founding member of Australia China Business Council (ACBC) China Capital Market Committee. Adam is also actively involved in supporting Australian alumni engagement initiative, which is reflected in his nomination as 2020 Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) career mentor and delegate of Australia-China Youth Association (ACYA) Emerging Leaders’ Summit representing University of Western Australia (UWA) chapter. He has also served as guest lecturer at China’s top ranking business schools at Beijing Remin University and Shenzhen University, this is further to him being frequently invited as headline speaker at high-profile industry events to showcase and present on Australia’s capabilities for partnering with China. 宫奇(Adam Gong)先生目前担任澳大利亚联邦政府驻沪总领事馆商务处,澳大利亚贸易投资委员会(Austrade),商务官员。从2017年至今为澳大利亚联邦政府在华商务代表任职期间,宫奇主要负责澳大利亚对华金融服务(资管及养老基金产业),金融科技( Fintech)和产学研领域的合作交流,并积极推进中澳双边政府部门协同行业间在贸易出口,投资和政策制定的合作。并积极推动协助了两国跨多领域从金融科技应用,科研成果商业转化,初创项目投资孵化,资本市场互联互通等一系列双边合作框架的搭建和商业合作项目落地。 宫奇曾参与世界经济论坛专栏撰文,系统性介绍了澳大利亚金融科技领域先进应用,生态发展和政府监管经验。并曾受邀参加中国工信部和央行监管层内部交流会议并做主旨演讲嘉宾,分享澳大利亚领先金融科技案例和由澳洲主导的国际金融行业标准和监管的制定。他同时担任中国澳大利亚商会(AustCham)金融委员会委员和澳大利亚中国工业委员会( ACBC)金融委员会创始委员,并于近期主导举办了首场在北京服贸会期间举办的中澳金融合作论坛。工作之余他也不遗余力支持中澳校友活动,包括他于2020成为年澳中同学会(ACAA)一名志愿者行业专家导师,也曾代表西澳大学中澳青年联合会 (ACYA)参加中澳青年领袖发展峰会(ACELS)。除此之外宫奇先生同时受邀中国人民大学和深圳大学担任这两所国内一流大学的商学院行业客座讲师。 在加入澳大利亚政府系统工作之前,宫奇先生有着丰富的跨国私营企业工作经历。他曾在澳大利亚最大的钢铁企业博思格集团(BlueScope Steel)大中华区域总部负责项目管理、业务拓展等工作。在澳洲期间职业经历包括企业财务战略咨询,澳洲资本市场运作,高端零售品牌管理,和旅游推广运营等。他还曾参与西澳州政府旅游局对华招商引资项目,曾有大型政府基础设施和城镇开发项目融资运作的背景。 |
![]() | Jason Yat-sen Li MP Member for Strathfield in the NSW Legislative Assembly Pro-Chancellor, University of Sydney University of Sydney alumnus 悉尼大学副校长 悉尼大学校友 Jason拥有悉尼大学的艺术法学一级荣誉学位和纽约大学法学院的法学硕士学位,并于2000年在纽约大学法学院担任澳大利亚豪瑟全球研究员。他还于2002年成为美国的艾森豪威尔研究员,并完成了哈佛大学肯尼迪学院和牛津大学赛德商学院的高管课程。 自1996年毕业以来,Jason一直积极参与悉尼大学的工作,现任参议院议员。他也曾任职于战略和风险委员会、人民和文化委员会,目前是风险和审计委员会主席。自2021年以来,Jason校长一直是该大学的副校长。 在澳大利亚、美国、欧洲和亚洲拥有20多年的法律、企业金融、综合管理和政治经验。Jason先生的职业生涯始于Corrs Chambers Westgarth律师事务所的初级律师,一直工作到1999 年。在此期间,他还在联合国驻荷兰海牙的前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭短暂工作,担任拉尔·沃拉法官阁下的助理。2000年在纽约期间,他是Davis Polk & Wardwell公司公司部门的助理。 回到悉尼后,他成立了Professional Search Pty Ltd,担任法律和会计数字服务平台的执行董事。2002年,他卖掉了这家公司。随后,他在澳大利亚保险集团(IAG)继续他的职业生涯。从2002年到2004年,他担任可持续发展主管,负责领导IAG的可持续发展项目,该项目使IAG在2003年被评为年度可持续发展公司。从2004年到2005年,他被提升为中国战略主管,负责国际汽车集团收购中国汽车协会以及对中国太平洋保险公司的战略投资。2005年,他被任命为新收购的国际汽车集团子公司中国汽车协会在北京的销售和营销总经。2007年,Jason创立了精品跨境企业融资咨询公司亚信咨询(Yatsen Associates),专门从事复杂的跨境并购和融资委托业务。亚信的许多客户都对中国和中亚地区的石油、天然气、清洁能源、煤炭和农业企业感兴趣。2009年,他被任命为达沃斯世界经济论坛全球青年领袖,也是世界经济论坛中国全球议程理事会成员。之前Jason有在乔治全球健康研究所担任了9年的非执行董事,是该区域领先的医学研究所专注于非传染性疾病。他还曾担任悉尼研究所的主任,并曾担任新南威尔士州民族社区委员会的青年主席。Jason还担任过国家志愿服务中心的非执行董事,以及澳大利亚最大的家族之一史密斯家族的前理事慈善机构。 自2013年起,他一直担任Vantage Asia Holdings的执行主席。Vantage Asia Holdings在亚洲和澳大利亚管理着广泛的投资组合,包括资源和技术公司、零售酒店、学生住宿和维生素/ 补充剂公司。 2007年至2013年,他在北京中澳商会担任董事会成员,并于2009年至2011年担任副主席。他还曾担任亚洲澳大利亚研究所(Asia Australia Institute)的董事会成员。Jason是智库China atters的顾问委员会成员,自2019年起担任中澳论坛现任主席。他目前也是亚洲联通的董事会委员和HaymarketHQ的顾问委员会成员。 2017年,Jason成为了“难民人才”软件公司的董事长,该公司利用技术帮助澳大利亚的难民和移民获得有意义的就业。Jason在2022年当选为澳大利亚国会议员,代表新南威尔士州悉尼斯特拉斯菲尔德的选民。Jason满怀激情地相信教育的变革力量,相信医学研究和强大的公共医疗系统的至关重要性,相信小企业是经济中最具活力的支柱。他还相信,合作在解决我们社会面临的重大挑战(如气候变化和不平等)方面发挥着关键作用。 |
![]() | Bruce Li AR INTERNATIONAL SHANDONG NIUTE CONSULTING AR University of Adelaide alumnus 国际教育/山东牛特教育咨询有限公司总经理 阿德莱德大学校友 The relationship between Australia and China has been on the rock since the outbreak of the pandemic due to many reasons. People committing good national relationship between Australia and Chinese can only take part in routine activities held by the consulate in the local area and local social organizations as a result of the inconvenience of flights and stagnant government community between Australia and China. In hope of Australia and China building up long-term cooperation in different aspects, I, centring the University of Adelaide, which is my alma mater, take the initiative to organize overseas Chinese students in Australia to donate money or items to China. At the same time, I organize staff to send out the rations to International Chinese Students in Australia by working with Red Cross in South Australia. We aspirate to make an effort and to build a solid foundation of the cooperation of China-Australia culture, business and trade from the overseas student’s aspect. As an Adelaide resident born in Shandong Province, I try my best to commit enhance the communication between the SA and Shandong Province all the time. Also, I commit to cooperation and communication between these two counties from the governmental aspects. The personnel at South Australia Representative Office in Shandong reduced from 4 people to 1, but we still proactively assist in work for South Australia Representative Office in Shandong. to accomplish communication even in a difficult situation. Moreover, we assist in the preparation at the Shandong Province representative office in Oceania. On top of it, my company located in Adelaide received support and recognization together from the South Australia government, the Chinese Consulate in South Australia and Shandong Provincial People’s Government Representative Office in Oceania when holding different signing activities. In 2019, our company comprehensively take part in the preparation activities for the opening ceremony regarding StudyAdelaide Student Ambassador. Australian ambassador to china and the premier of South Australia attend this event. Also, the Foreign Affairs Office of Shandong Provincial people’s government, education department, educational bureau at different levels, and other officers from different authorities were present at the event. With the cooperation and help of StudyAdelaide and more than 10 people in our company over 5 months’ work, the number of people presenting this event is over any previous event. More importantly, we received a compliment from different authorities. In 2019, in partnership with StudyAdelaide and ACBA, our company held an activity called Career Advantage Program. The aim is to serve all international Chinese students from different areas in China. 为了澳大利亚和中国在各方面的长期合作,我以母校阿德莱德大学为中心,主动组织在澳的中国留学生向中国捐款或捐赠物品。同时,与南澳红十字会合作,组织工作人员向在澳中国留学生发放口粮。我们渴望从留学生的角度为中澳文化、经贸合作打下坚实的基础而努力。 作为一个出生在山东的阿德莱德人,我一直都在努力致力于加强南澳与山东的交流。同时,我也致力于两国政府层面的合作与沟通。南澳驻山东代表处的人员从4人减少到1人,但我们仍然积极协助南澳驻山东代表处的工作。即使在困难的情况下也能完成沟通。此外,我们还在山东省驻大洋洲代表处协助筹备工作。 我公司位于阿德莱德,在举办不同的签约活动时,还得到了南澳政府、中国驻南澳领事馆和山东省人民政府驻大洋洲代表处的共同支持和认可。 2019年,我公司全面参与了StudyAdelaide学生大使开幕式的筹备活动。澳大利亚驻华大使、南澳大利亚州州长出席活动。山东省人民政府外办、各级教育厅、教育局等部门领导出席了活动。在StudyAdelaide和我公司10多人的配合和帮助下,经过5个月的工作,本次活动的出席人数超过了以往任何一次活动。更重要的是,我们得到了来自不同权威的赞扬。2019年,我们公司与StudyAdelaide和ACBA合作,举办了一场名为“职业优势计划”的活动。我们的目标是为所有来自中国不同地区的中国留学生服务。 |
![]() | Yan Zhang Representative of ChairmanShandong Business Office in Oceania University of Adelaide alumna 山东省政府驻大洋洲经贸代表处代表 阿德莱德大学校友 For over twenty years, Yan Zhang has made great contributions to developing Australia-China trade and investment opportunities and building a friendly bilateral relationship. She was responsible for setting up the Shandong Business Office in Oceania in 2018, as an adviser and key representative in building up trade and investment platforms for businesses in Australia. Many times, over the years she has received and interpreted for delegations from China for business, cultural exchange, education, scientific and medical research collaboration. During Covid-19, she organised online trade fairs for Shandong and Oceania businesses in three consecutive years, resulting in over one hundred businesses reaching intention for cooperation. She manages two vineyards in South Australia owned by Chinese investors. She participated in the research and reporting on the impact to the Australian wine industry of the anti-tariff regulations implemented by China. She has actively advocated for communications and feedback between business and governments. She is passionate about working with Chinese immigrants to integrate into the Australian culture and society. She is President of the Shandong Chamber of Commerce in SA, Shandong Association SA and Vice President of the Federation of Shandong Chinese Associations in Australia. She helped to organise over twenty overseas Chinese associations to raise funds for the two pandas at the Adelaide Zoo in 2021 and to raise funds for Kangaroo Island bushfire victims in 2020. She encouraged and supported new migrants to start their businesses, by working as a mentor in 2021 the South Australia Entrepreneur competition. She assisted the University of South Australia in its women in labour force particularly immigrant women research. She was appointed as an Adelaide International Promotion Ambassador by the Adelaide City Council. 张艳二十多年来,为中澳两国贸易、投资和推进双边友好关系做出了积极的贡献。她参与、负责山东在南澳州设立山东驻大洋洲经贸代表处的工作,并作为顾问和主要代表为山东与大洋洲的贸易、投资搭建平台。多次负责接待中国商贸代表团,并协助民间商贸、文化、教育、科研、医学领域的交流和互访。疫情期间,主持、促成了三届山东与大洋洲双向网上云展会,共有上百家企业达成合作意向。她同时管理着两个中国企业在南澳投资的葡萄园,参与双反政策对葡萄酒行业带来的影响的调研,积极推进企业诉求与政府的沟通和反馈。她热爱侨团工作、为侨民融入当地社会付出不懈努力;她担任南澳山东商会、同乡会会长和澳大利亚山东侨团联盟副会长;2022 年她联合二十多家侨团组织为南澳动物园的两只大熊猫进行慈善募捐;她带动山东同乡会为2020 年袋鼠岛山火募捐;她鼓励、支持新移民特别是移民女性的创业,在南澳举办的2021 百万创业大赛中担任导师;协助南澳大学对移民女性创业服务的研究, 她被阿德莱德市政府任命为国际推广大使。 |