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2023 Australia China Alumni Award for Innovation in Business

Australia China Alumni Award for Innovation in Business
This award recognises alumni who have demonstrated their entrepreneurial and/or innovative abilities in any industry sector.

To view the finalist of other categories, please click HERE

Macquarie University
Ricky Niu
Curtin University
Shiyi Liu
Monash University
Helen Li
Sisi Bi
University of Queensland
Wei Tang
University of Wollongong
Xingjin Wang
University of New South Wales
Tom Shugg
Monash University
Can Cui
University of Melbourne
Leo Ou
Australian National University
Mr. CJ Chen
Macquarie University Alumnus



CJ was graduated from Macquarie University by 2010, by 2012 he joined Blackmores as head of sales for China as the starting point of his health & wellness industry career. He grew the Blackmores China business by 30 time over his 4 years service then co-founded PBX, which then became one of the biggest supplement wholesale exporter in Australia and exported 1 billion dollars worth of health & beauty products before 2020. Recently he moved to
Shanghai and focus on an emerging inner beauty brand called VIERRA, and the brand has sold 2 million units of products this year just via Tiktok and now sits on the top list of imported supplements of China.

CJ 在 2010 年从麦觉理大学毕业,在 2012 年他作为销售总经理带领澳佳宝品牌进入中国大陆市场也开启了自己在大健康行业的履历,在此后的四年中他帮助澳佳宝的中国生意增长了 30 倍。而后他在墨尔本于 2015 年联合创建了日后成为澳大利亚最大健康产品出口商之一的 PBX,在 2020 年前总计向亚洲市场出口了超过10亿澳元的澳产健康美容商品。最近他回到上海专注于内服美容品牌惟爱论,品牌仅在今年就在抖音平台销售了超过 200 万件商品,目前品牌稳居中国进口丽人健康行业前列。

Ricky Niu
General Manager and Founder
Wah Fu International Education & IKE Kids
Curtin University Alumnus

总经理& 创始者
华富艾克国际教育 & 赋才艾克教育科技有限公司


Ricky Niu has a strong passion for the promotion and development of international education and cultural exchange. He displays this passion in a variety of ways, especially with applications of continuous innovation and entrepreneurship in business.

Since completing his studies in Australia in 2006, Ricky has been working with well–known Australian organizations, seeking out innovative methods and strategies for building a strong and long-enduring presence in PRC China.
Furthermore, he has also been facilitating Sino-Australian joint ventures of full-Australian University’s degree delivery, assisting high-level ‘think-tanks’ by developing sturdy connections with the Chinese government and business sectors.
In 2017, Ricky embarked on a self-made entrepreneurship by establishing an international training-education business. The unique model employed uses outside-classroom activities combined with an outdoor-based curriculum to support and enhance language training and learning. One of the best testaments was to provide the successful language training for the Beijing local volunteers and service staffs for Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
In recent years, his successful joint-venture with Wah Fu Education Group – a U.S. publicly-listed company – has utilized the power of long distance-learning and digital technologies in order to expand international education outreach in China. As a result, a multitude of new business opportunities in the international education industry have been created.





Mr. Shiyi Liu
Managing Partner, Verinco Consulting Pte Ltd
Monash University Alumnus

中国区合伙人,Verinco Consulting Pte Ltd

Mr. Liu Shiyi lived in Australia from 1990 to 1999. This was a period he had not only accomplished his MBA education in Australia but also shaped his values and principles in life.
Prior to Verinco, Mr. Liu served as General Manager of EUCHNER China, a subsidiary of a private hi-tech company in Stuttgart Germany, Sales Director for KSB Shanghai, a joint venture between Shanghai Electric (SEC) and a public listed manufacturing company in Frankental Germany, and China Project Manager for United BTS, a mining equipment manufacturer in Darwin Australia.  In his so far 25 years successful career with international companies in China, Mr. Liu has resourcefully blended Chinese-style hardworking and gratefulness, Australian-style down-to-earth and cheerfulness, German-style efficiency and preciseness into his leadership style, and grew the companies into the most valuable enterprises in their industry sectors in China.  From formulating and executing winning strategies to initiating successful operational moves, from attracting and developing talents to refining company management procedure and system, from cultivating corporate culture to improving local employee wellbeing, from expending production site to upgrading hardware and software, Mr. Liu has made outstanding contributions to his workplace.  In addition to the commercial successes, Mr. Liu has been actively promoting the participation of enterprises in public welfare and charity, and fulfilling the social responsibilities of a good corporate citizen.
刘诗益,蒙纳士大学1997届工商管理硕士,历任德国EUCHNER中国公司总经理,德国上市公司KSB大中华区销售总监,澳大利亚United BTS公司中国项目经理等职。在迄今长达25年的管理国际企业在华业务的职业生涯里,他将中式的肯干和感恩,澳式的开朗和易于沟通,德式的效率和严谨融入他的领导风格,从制定和执行制胜战略到启动成功的经营举措,从吸引和培育人才到完善公司管理制度和程序,从培养企业文化到改善本地员工福祉,从扩大在华投资到软硬件升级等各个方面为企业的发展做出了卓越的贡献。在不断取得商业成功的同时,刘诗益先生一直致力于推动企业积极参与社会公益事业,履行一个优秀的企业公民的社会责任。

Helen Na Li
CEO of WIJ Healthcare (Shanghai) Ltd.
University of Technology Sydney alumna


Graduated with master of accounting degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, Helen, Na Li now becomes a entrepreneur who advocate and create a new start-up high-technology company based in Shanghai, China which focus on private and customized medical service provided by WIJ Longevity Clinic which is prepared for obtaining qualification by Shanghai NHS. Not only extending live span but also developing recovery cells and activated energy. This is a new technology applied in business with innovative idea and blue sea on the market. WIJ will bring new technology and products from US, Australia and Japan which helps human being live longer and stay healthy life. This project has been selected into Zhangjiang Group incubator in Pudong New Area of Shanghai. On one hand, it would make a great contribution to strengthening China-overseas long-term cooperation in the longevity area, dramatically improve aging people’s life experience and the quality.
Prior to entrepreneur, Helen had incubated TOP 30 Start-up company named VelaVigo on Y2021 playing vital role of Operation Head. An accelerated career promotion to Global Operation Manager who was in charge of 18 plants operation, annual spending reached USD 1 billion globally and support Global Operation VP daily manage Operation Office led Operation BP in WuXi Biologics (Shanghai) as TOP 3 CDMO global provider. from former Contracts Manager worked for BMS(China), Over 18+years, Helen, Na Li excelled in her operation management career with different multinationals across Asia, European and US sites, first as Marketing Specialist in CSCEC(Shanghai) on 2003 and now is CEO of WIJ Healthcare high-technology company in the area of anti-aging. She is a value added and passionate female global entrepreneur with global views and supported 13 plants from greenfield to handover to operation in China, Ireland, Germany and US.
1) obtained Foreign R&D Center Qualification in 6 months  
2) built up its global R&D headquarter in Shanghai, and will set up an R&D footprint globally.
3) built up 1st LNG Plant in Shenzhen Dapeng Bay, Shenzhen City which is VIP national project and visited by Australia Prime Minister.
4) Supporting rural education. Working with Sichuan University one on one support program, supported girls in the minority of Sichuan Province in China to finish their secondary and high school education since Y2019.
5) when the COVID 19 occurred on Y2019, Helen voluntarily initiated donation among classmates group to remote public hospital in four-tier city in Hubei within 3 batches goods and about 100k cash.


李娜于2021年参与创立了TOP 30的创业公司VelaVigo,负责公司的运营管理。在此之前,李娜曾在药明生物担任全球运营经理,负责全球18家工厂含研发中心的运营,年支出达到10亿美元,并支持全球运营副总裁日常管理运营带领各地BP,在全球排名前三的CDMO提供方药名生物集团。李娜曾在BMS(中国)担任合同经理,在过去的18年里,她在亚洲、欧洲和美国的不同跨国公司的运营管理方面表现出色。李娜是一位充满激情的全球女性企业家,拥有全球视野。具备包括中国、爱尔兰、德国和美国在内的


Sisi Bi
Australian College of Tourism and Information Technology
University of Queensland Alumna

Sisi Bi is an outstanding Australian education and business leader whose journey is filled with courage, innovation, and excellence. With a research background in electronic information technology, optical engineering technology, and biotechnology, she has published numerous international papers and holds six international patents. Her achievements extend beyond the academic realm as she has also pioneered her own ventures in the fields of tourism, information technology, and vocational education.
In 2015, Sisi founded Make Trips Pty Ltd, making a significant mark in the Chinese market through unique personalized services and meticulously planned high-end travel experiences. She has facilitated multiple visits of Australian government and education delegations to China, fostering mutual cooperation and educational exchanges, thereby bridging the gap between the two nations.
In 2020, Sisi established INTECAU, an innovative IT company renowned for its inventive solutions and exceptional customer service. Her determination and foresight have enabled her to recognize the growing demand for technical professionals in the tourism and information technology sectors. Consequently, she founded a vocational education college catering to both domestic and international students, offering high-quality training in tourism and information technology. The meticulously designed courses align with industry requirements, equipping students with the practical skills needed for excellence in their chosen fields.
Sisi is also a board member of the Multicultural Women’s Job Ready Support & Network. Through training, guidance, and industry support, this association promotes employment opportunities for women and youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, making a positive contribution to society and the industry.


在2015年,思思创办了Make Trips迈思文旅,以其独特的个性化服务和策划的高端旅行及文化教育交流体验而在中国市场迅速崭露头角,曾组织了澳大利亚政府和教育代表团多次访问中国,以增强中澳之间的相互合作和教育交流,为两国之间的文化交流搭建了桥梁。



她同时也是Multicultural Women’s Job Ready Support & Network的董事成员。该协会通过培训、指导和提供行业支持,促进了多元文化背景的妇女和青年就业,为社会和行业做出积极贡献。

Wei Tang
Assistant President and General Manager of the Office, Press Spoke person
Huifu Group
University of Wollongong Alumnus

Mr. Wei Tang has an impressive track record of over 20 years in the Internet and Fintech industry, with a particular focus on payment services. As a founding member and executive manager of Huifu Payment Group, Mr.Tang has successfully led numerous provincial and ministerial level R&D projects, and achieved significant economic and social benefits. Mr. Tang and his team have contributed more than 530 patents and Copyrights. As an industry specialist for the Shanghai Municipal Government, Mr.Tang has written and published several important articles and books, leading to invitations to speak at prestigious global forums and summits.
Huifu Group is a leading payment and financial technology company, headquartered in Shanghai, with branches in China and overseas, and nearly 1,000 employees. The company was listed on the Hong Kong Exchange in 2018 (HK.1806) and has since been privatized and is preparing for an A-share listing in Mainland China. It was among the first batch to be granted payment and financial licenses by the People’s Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. In 2022, the company’s transaction volume exceeded RMB 2.2 trillion, serving more than 10 million merchants in China and around the world, providing them with integrated payment and digitalization solutions.

Xingjin Wang
Executive Director
Denison Gas Ltd, Honorary Professor of UQ
University of New South Wales Alumnus

Dr. Xingjin Wang is a distinguished energy entrepreneur and a world-renowned expert in the energy industry, with a particular focus on unconventional gas and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies. As a co-founder of Denison Gas Ltd, he has played a pivotal role in transforming the company into a major gas supplier in the Eastern Gas Market of Australia. Dr. Wang’s expertise is exemplified by his tenure as the General Manager at Arrow Energy, one of the largest CSG (Coal Seam Gas) companies globally.
Recognized as a leader in the CSG field, Dr. Xingjin Wang’s influence extends far beyond Australia. He has played a vital role in facilitating breakthroughs in CSG commercialization for countries such as Russia and China. His dedication to sustainable energy solutions is evident through his research on compressed air energy storage using depleted gas reservoirs. As a testament to his expertise and contributions, Dr. Wang holds the prestigious title of Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland.
Dr. Wang earned his Ph.D. degree from UNSW (University of New South Wales) and is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA).
Over the past decades, Dr. Wang has made significant efforts to enhance collaboration between Australia and China in energy transmission innovation. He has also generously contributed to academic innovation in renewable energy by sponsoring scholarships and supporting technology innovations aimed at greenhouse gas emission mitigation.

澳大利亚工程院院士侯选人。澳大利亚丹尼森天然气公司(Denison Gas)创始人和执行董事、澳大利亚昆士兰大学天然气研究中心教授、博士生导师。2008年至2013年,曾任中国地质大学(武汉)特聘讲座教授、湖北省楚天学者。2015-2-2020年,担任伦敦国际仲裁法庭独立专家。参与中石油和加拿大公司关于煤层气区块纠纷的国际仲裁。在2011-2016期间,任Gazprom (俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司,简称俄气)DK董事局非常规天然气科技顾问。

王星锦是国际著名非常规天然气专家,是世界上仅有的在中、澳、俄三国实现煤层气产业化过程中均做出突出贡献的地质学家。上世纪90年代初,为实现中国煤层气开发工业化,中国地矿部与外商合资成立了第一家中外合作煤层气公司-华威煤层气公司,王星锦曾任该公司总经理期间,该公司启动了鄂尔多斯盆地第一个煤层气项目-柳林煤层气项目。2000年后,王星锦到澳大利亚学习和工作,此时澳大利亚刚启动煤层气开发工作,王星锦曾任澳大利亚最大煤层气公司-Arrow Energy (工程) 总经理,Arrow是最早将煤层气产业化的澳大利亚公司,目前澳大利亚已成为世界上第一大煤层气生产国。自2011年,受Gazprom(俄气)聘请担任非常规天然气顾问,指导该公司启动了俄罗斯第一个煤层气开发和温室效应气体减排项目。自2019年王星锦领导Denison Gas 收购了位于博恩盆地的天然气气田-Denison Trough 气田,该气田在收购前,由APLNG运营,常年亏损,收购后,Denison 通过技术创新和管理优化,气田产量增加到收购前的8倍,三年扭亏为盈。王星锦正领导Denison公司开拓性研发利用枯竭气田进行压缩空气储能和二氧化碳储集研究,该项目将对澳大利亚能源转型发挥重要作用。多年来,王星锦极力推动中澳科技和教育合作,协调和参与了两国二氧化碳储集和利用方面的联合科技项目,推动中科院与昆士兰大学及澳大利亚天然气公司在压缩空气储能研究方面的合作.

Tom Shugg
Director and Co-Founder
Meg Languages
Monash University Alumnus

Tom Shugg majored in Mandarin at Monash University and received scholarship opportunities to study in both Taiwan and Shanghai.  Upon graduating, Tom moved to Beijing to work at Austrade in the Australian Embassy, Beijing contributing to Australian exports to China.
Tom’s own challenges with learning Mandarin prompted him to found Meg Languages, in the beginning the primary objective of Meg Languages was to provide Mandarin learners with the opportunity to communicate with native speakers in China, Tom has always considered this the most important ingredient when it comes to learning a language!
Over the past decade, Meg Languages has now grown to support more than 50,000 students globally each week with their language lessons and works closely with Schools, Education Departments and Government Bodies all over the world.
Meg has recently expanded into Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 3D gaming as a means to provide students learning Mandarin with Cultural context through technology.  A recent example would be our Great Wall of China Culture Quest that allows students to explore the great wall of China and complete Cultural challenges virtually.
Tom is a big believer of the power of languages and cultural understanding to build an increasingly stronger relationship between China and Australia.
Tom Shugg在莫纳什大学主修中文,并获得了在台湾和上海学习的奖学金。毕业后,Tom搬到北京,在澳大利亚驻华大使馆的澳大利亚贸易委员会工作,为澳大利亚对中国的出口做出贡献。
Meg Languages。Meg Languages一开始的首要目标是为中文学习者提供与中国母语人士交流的机会,Tom一直认为这是学习一门语言最重要的因素!
在过去的十年中,Meg Languages 不断发展壮大,每周为全球50,000多名学生提供语言课程支持,并与世界各地的学校、教育部门和政府机构密切合作。

Can Cui
Boson Ventures
University of Melbourne Alumnus


Can Cui, co-founder and partner at Boson Ventures, has been a driving force in connecting Australia’s innovation scene with Chinese investors and markets. In just two years, under Can’s leadership, Boson Ventures has invested in 8 pioneering companies across 10 investments. They have successfully executed their Asian strategy, facilitating the entry of Australian startups and technology into the Chinese market. Beyond his investment endeavours, Can’s commitment to Australia’s innovation scene is evinced by his mentorship roles with incubators and accelerators across Australia, including CSIRO On Prime, EnergyLab, ClimateSalad, UNSW Founders, and MAP. Can regularly shares valuable insights on various social media platforms, serving as a source of empowerment and inspiration for both the Chinese and broader communities. Before co-founding Boson Ventures, Can held executive positions in several organisations.  As the Head of Commercial and Pricing, he played a crucial role in scaling PLUS ES, Australia’s largest energy data company, to achieve sevenfold growth. He also served as a senior manager in AGL Energy’s Corporate Venture Capital team (New Energy) and worked as a management consultant at a top-tier firm, Partners in Performance. Finally, before Can was an investor, he had been an entrepreneur, with a successful exit in the IT industry. He also holds the distinction of being the founding president of the Melbourne Southbank Lions Club.
崔璨(Can Cui)是玻色子创投(Boson Ventures)的联合创始人兼合伙人,一直是澳大利亚创新领域与中国投资者和市场之间的推动力量。在崔璨的领导下,玻色子创投在短短两年内就投资了8家颠覆性的初创企业,涉及10项投资。他们成功实施了亚洲战略,推动澳大利亚初创企业和技术进入中国市场。除了投资事业外,崔璨还在澳大利亚各地的孵化器和加速器担任导师,包括 CSIRO On Prime、EnergyLab、ClimateSalad、UNSW Founders 和 MAP。崔璨也经常在各种社交媒体平台上分享有价值的见解,为华人和更广泛的社区提供知识力量和灵感。作为商务战略与定价总监,他在澳大利亚最大的能源数据公司 PLUS ES 实现七倍增长的过程中发挥了关键作用。他还曾担任 AGL Energy企业风险投资团队(New Energy)的高级经理,并在顶级咨询公司 Partners in Performance 担任管理顾问。最后,在崔璨成为投资者之前,他也曾是一名创始人,在 IT 行业成功退出。他还是墨尔本南岸狮子俱乐部的创始主席。

Leo Ou
Australian National University Alumnus

Leo Ou is a technology entrepreneur. He has been selected as one of the 30 Entrepreneurs (Business Leaders) Under 30 by Forbes Asia and Hurun Report, and the 30 Most Influential People in Social New Retail by Forbes. He has been interviewed and reported by Microsoft Technology, Harvard Business Forum, Vogue Business, 36Kr, etc.
The company he founded ranked first in market size for three consecutive years. And the company he founded has received joint investment from Matrix Partners, Qiming, Yixin Capital, Meihua Venture Capital, etc. The cooperative service companies include: JD.com, Tmall International, Kuaishou, LVMH Sephora, Watsons, OPPO Mobile Phones, etc.
In order to help people in poor countries have equal rights for medical treatment, he has cooperated with universities and hospitals to develop ‘AI doctor’ product, which has been recognized and promoted by tertiary hospitals and dermatologists. At thesame time, the technology has also been applied in sustainable business development, providing skin diagnosis and customized skin care solution for 20 million users-time,avoiding huge waste of social and natural resources caused by ineffective skin care and over-consumption.

Leo Ou 曾获福布斯亚洲、胡润百富 U30 创业者、福布斯社交新零售影响力30 人等,被微软科技、哈佛商业论坛、36Kr 等采访报道。

他创办的 AI 公司连续三年市场规模第一,获经纬、启明、梅花等投资,服务京东、天猫国际、快手、LVMH Sephora、OPPO 等客户。

为了帮助贫困国家人民拥有平等就医权利,Leo 联合高校、医院研发了“AI皮肤医生”,并在三甲医院推广使用。同时,该技术也被应用于商业可持续发展领域,每年为 2000 万人次用户提供皮肤诊断与精准护肤方案,避免了用户的无效护肤和过度消费造成巨大的社会自然资源浪费。