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2023 Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship

Award for Contributions to the Australia China Relationship

This Award recognises an individual or group, in any field of work, that has strengthened mutual understanding between Australia and China and thereby made an outstanding and long-lasting contribution to the relationship and the wider Australia-China community.

This Award is open to alumni, of any citizenship, regardless of location.

To view the finalists of other categories, please click HERE

David Olsson
Australian National University
Tim Harcourt
University of Adelaide
Pengxin Shi
Chris Roberts
Regency College of TAFE – Adelaide, South Australia
Ying Zhu
University of Adelaide
Huoran Wang
Australian National University
Bing Liu
Queensland University of Technology
Mr David Olsson
International Director, King & Wood Mallesons
National President and Chair, Australia China Business Council
Australian National University Alumnus (LL.B)

(David Olsson)律师


The face and most dedicated representative of Australia-China business in China, Australia and Hong Kong over the last twenty years has been David Olsson.

David straddles the two positions of lawyer in an international law firm and a business leader representing all Australian companies with an interest in China with ease. He combines these skills with extensive executive and board experience in corporates, business associations and government.

He is an International Director with King & Wood Mallesons based in Hong Kong/Shenzhen with a focus on the Greater Bay Area. Prior to this, he held key practice and management positions with the firm including as senior partner based in Beijing from 2008 to 2013 and prior to that as a Managing Partner in Australia. The merger of China’s King & Wood with Australia’s Mallesons in 2012, in which David played a key role as senior Mallesons partner in Beijing, had a huge impact on the Chinese and international legal world. David continues to play a key role in supporting clients navigate and execute commercial engagements with China across a range of sectors.

David has been Chair and National President of the Australia China Business Council since 2019, guiding it with a steady and comforting hand through this period of challenging Australia-China relations and the disruptions caused by the pandemic. He has led the development of ACBC’s landmark Green Channel initiative, which has been the catalyst for the promotion of opportunities for collaboration on projects addressing climate change and net-zero targets.

In April/May 2023, he led the first senior business delegation to China in over 4 years, following the opening of China’s post-pandemic borders which has supported government initiatives to stabilise the bilateral relationship.

David’s role as Chair of AustCham Beijing from 2009 to 2013 saw it play a very active role in the bilateral relationship, with AustCham hosting many Prime Ministerial and Ministerial visits, encouraging a strong growth in business relations, and the foundation of West China AustCham in Chengdu.  

David is a business champion for the Australian Government’s New Colombo Program and mentor to many students contemplating a career in the Asian region; a member of the Council of the Australian National University Foundation and the advisory board of ANU’s Australian Centre for China in the World.
David has authored many articles on Australia-China business relations over the last 20 years and is regularly quoted in the media (radio, newspapers and TV) on Australia’s business engagement with China.

He leads several industry working groups that focus on financial market connectivity between Australia and China and is a member of the international advisory forum for AusIMM. He has also served as a member of DFAT’s Australia-China Council.
沈文(David Olsson)律师在过去二十年来为中国、澳大利亚和香港三地最为权威及致力于推动澳中商业关系的佼佼者。沈律师于一家国际律师事务所担任律师,同时作为有意对华投资的澳大利亚公司的商业领袖代表,注重将商业技能与在商界、商业协会和政府积累的丰富高管和董事会经验相结合。

(Mallesons Stephen Jaques)于2012年合并,他作为该所北京办公室资深合伙人在整个过程中发挥了关键作用,对中国和国际法律界产生了深远的影响。他将会继续在为客户解难和促进与中国多个行业的商业合作方面担当重要角色。

沈律师自2019年起担任澳大利亚中国工商业委员会(Australia China Business Council)全国主席,带领该会稳步走出澳中关系紧张和新冠疫情肆虐的艰难时刻。此外,他领导该会制定了具有里程碑意义的绿色通道倡议,以积极争取在应对气候变化和实现净零目标的项目上开展合作探讨。

随着中国政府重新开放出境以支持稳定澳中关系的措施后,沈律师于2023年4月/5月率领四年多来第一个高级商业代表团访问中国。沈律师在2009年至2013年担任中国澳大利亚商会(AustCham Beijing)主席期间,多次协助安排澳大利亚总理和部长的访问行程,并在成都成立了中国澳大利亚商会华西分会(West China AustCham),促进了澳中商业关系的强劲增长,在双边关系发展中发挥了非常积极的作用。

沈律师是澳大利亚政府新科伦坡计划(New Colombo Program)的商业支持者,同时作为导师指导许多澳大利亚有意在亚洲地区发展事业的学生;以及担任澳大利亚国立大学基金会理事会(Council of the Australian National University Foundation)和澳大利亚国立大学澳大利亚中华全球研究院(Australian Centre for China in the World)顾问委员会成员。

沈律师在过去20年中撰写了许多关于澳中商业关系的文章,介绍澳大利亚与中国的商业往来,并经常被媒体(电台、报纸和电视)引用。沈律师领导多个专注于澳大利亚和中国金融市场互联互通的行业工作小组,并且是澳大拉西亚矿冶学会(AusIMM)国际咨询组成员。他还曾担任澳大利亚外交贸易部(DFAT)澳中理事会(Australia-China Council)成员。

Tim Harcourt,
Industry Professor and Chief Economist
UTS alumnus
I am greatly honoured to be a finalist.
Economics and trade have been my life’s work. The business of business between Australia and China is my passion.
I have been travelling to China since 2003, a few times a year except during covid.
I have worked in China as Chief Economist of Austrade, a Professor at UNSW and UTS teaching MBA, in Beijing Shanghai, Xian, Chengdu and Chongqing and as adviser to Premier of South Australia in Xian and Qingdao.
I authored The Airport Economist book (in English & Mandarin) which was launched in Beijing and Chengdu.
In addition, I have hosted two TV series featuring China:
The Airport Economist in Shanghai Qingdao and Hong Kong;
— And also a series about China and Australia – After the Pandemic, The Big Picture and The Bigger Picture
For the 50th anniversary of China-Australia relations, I made this video about my thoughts on the relationship.

Our best years are ahead of us and we are lucky to have benefits of the contributions of Chinese-Australians in business, science and the arts.
经济和贸易是我一生的工作。 澳大利亚和中国之间的商业往来是我的热情来源。自 2003 年以来,除了新冠疫情期间,我每年都会访问中国几次。我曾在中国担任澳大利亚贸易委员会首席经济学家,在新南威尔士大学和悉尼科技大学任职教授MBA,在北京、上海、西安、成都和重庆工作,并在西安和青岛担任南澳大利亚州州长顾问。


Pengxin Shi
China Marketing Manager
Grok Global Services
RMIT univeristy alumna

It has been Kelly’s lifelong passion to improve mutual understanding between Australia and China; to help organizations and companies from both sides
benefit from communication and cooperation.

Kelly has led multiple City of Casey delegations to Sichuan, China for business exploration and cultural exchange activities. These trips resulted in two sister city relationships between Casey and two Chinese
cities-Dujiangyan & Mianyang in Sichuan province; as well as multiple memorandums of cooperation in the business, education and tourism industry.

She initiated and successfully organized the First City of Casey Chinese Culture Festival, which featured an international exhibition and workshops on Chinese lacquer art and Dragon Boat Festival. This had a positive impact on Chinese culture and history among Australian Chinese communities and local Casey residents, and helped cement City of Casey’s reputation as a
China-friendly city in Australia.

在澳洲学习和工作的十多年中,Kelly 一直致力于各类加强中澳连接的项目,包括政治、贸易、文化、教育、旅游等多方面活动。希望中澳双方能通过增进彼此的了解,更好的合作,达到互惠互利的双赢结果。

1. 促成墨尔本凯西市与中国四川都江堰市和绵阳市建立姐妹友好城市关系,并多次带领凯西市政府、企业和青年代表团赴四川参加贸易洽谈和文化交流等活动,促成了多个商业、教育和旅游项目达成合作。

2. 举办凯西市第一届中国文化节,为澳洲民众了解中国文化提供了宝贵机会, 并进一步树立凯西市中国友好城市的形象。

Chris Roberts
General Manager @ Guangzhou Area Support Manager
Hilton Hotels
Regency College of TAFE – Adelaide, South Australia

When I left High School, I honestly did not know what I wanted to do with my career. A friend of mine decided to join Hotel School and after thinking about it a few days I thought that sounded great, so I also joined up.
My family was never in the hospitality industry in any form, but from as early as I can remember my parents always enjoyed entertaining our family and friends at our house. We would always have a massive Christmas Lunch every year. The day after Christmas (Boxing Day) is my father’s birthday, so the festivities’ would always roll into the next day as we have a big BBQ party for my father with all the left-over food and drinks from Christmas. We would always have a party for anyone birthday, for New Year Eve, for Australia Day, basically any excuse to have a dinner party, BBQ Party or drinks party.
Over the years as a child, I was always helping everyone to get more drinks, clear plates or bring more food. Everyone knew me of course as the young son in the house and they always thanked me for my help, even a thanks just to clear a dirty plate. I never realized at the time but I enjoyed helping people, I enjoyed the smiles they gave when I helped and especially the words or thanks and praise. I grew up in this environment and I didn’t realize until I started hotel school that I enjoyed so much to put smiles on peoples faces. Thus once I started in hotel school and then a few months later started working with Hilton, it all came naturally. Last month clocked 30 years working with Hilton Hotels across Australia & Asia and I have loved every minute. I look forward to what the future will bring!
The past 20+ years I have now worked abroad across Asia with over 13 years of that time being in China having operated 7 different Hilton Hotels across China. During my time in Beijing & Guangzhou I have had strong connection with the Australian community via the Embassy/Consulate and the Chamber of Commerce. These experiences have helped me further develop my network of contacts both professionally and personally. Just as with the hospitality industry, I have always enjoyed helping people and now is within hotels and also the China-Australia community. Especially first time travelers to China from Australia or vice versa are always rewarding people to help and assist and I still enjoy it today just as much as the first times.
I have been proud to be part of the China/Australia community and hope to continue for years to come.
在过去的20 +年里,我在亚洲各地工作,其中超过13年在中国经营7家不同的希尔顿酒店。在北京和广州期间,我通过大使馆/领事馆和商会与澳大利亚社区建立了密切的联系。这些经验帮助我在专业和个人方面进一步发展了我的關系网络。就像酒店业一样,我一直喜欢帮助别人,现在在酒店和中澳社区。特别是第一次从澳大利亚到中国,反之亦然,总是奖励人们帮助和协助,我今天仍然和第一次一样喜欢。 

Ying Zhu
Founder,Adelaide Bio-Technologies Development (Hengqin) Ltd.
University of Adelaide

Growing the relations between Australia and China, even as a small potato

The country where I live now is where I was born, we call it home-country. For me, she is China. The country where I was equipped with modern technologies and
civilizations is which I appreciate very much! In my case, she is Australia. She hosted me for 11 years for my higher education and career development. Affections I have are for two as my family, friends, and colleagues live in both, and as my abundant memories
root in the lands.

In growing a good relation between the two, I like to do what I can do though I am a small potato. My contributions may not big enough that can be called great, but small enough for most alumni to follow. Together, we can grow and roll, to green the field
and let the world be beautiful and peaceful.

China fostered us with its prestigious cultures and Australia strengthened us with generous norms, ideas, and neophiliac high-tech. Both countries nourished us to be a good human. We should pay back, to the lands, and to the people who we get along with. I’ll continue my role in the relationship between Australia and China, despite my part is just small.

毕业离开澳洲七年了,说时时梦回那一片土地或许有些夸张。但是我说,忘不了十二月里满眼灿若云霞的蓝花楹,忘不了清澈如珍宝翡翠的圣文森海湾,忘不了校园里毛绒绒的袋鼠爪花(Kangaroo Paw),忘不了图书馆丰富多样的藏书,忘不了 Woolworth 超市里宽敞的通道和琳琅满目的食品,…,是绝不夸张的。在那片学习工作生活了十一年的土地,我的记忆里有风景,有师友,有笑声,有惬意,当然也有委屈和尴尬。作为一个小人物,生活的记



Professor Huoran Wang
Retired since 2008 Research Professor
Research Institute of Forestry, The Chinese Academy of Forestry
Australian National University

I was the first Chinese student, sent out by the Chinese government under the “reform and opening” policy provided by Mr. Deng Xiaoping, to study forestry in Australia since 1949. I started my study in the Department of Forestry, the Australian National University (ANU) in 1982 and returned to the Chinese Academy of Forestry in 1984.

I took part in the feasibility study, bilateral negotiations and project formulation for the first international cooperative forestry research project between China and Australia. As a project leader of the Chinese side I conducted the project by establishing experimental trails with species of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Casuarina etc. Over 100 species were introduced into China. Today over 6 million ha of eucalypt plantations have been established, supporting sustainable industries.
For the research achievements of eucalypts I was awarded a 2nd prize of science-technology progress by the Ministry of Forestry in 1996 and by the National Committee of Science and Technology in 1997; received the Special Allowance of the Chinese Government in 1997. Awarded for the contributions to the development of eucalypt plantation forestry by China Green Foundation and the Chinese Society of Forestry in 2013 and to the development of Oak Plantations by the Chinese Association of Oak Industries in 2018.

I wrote 3 books: [A key to the Eucalypts in China]; [A Chinese Appreciation of Eucalypts] and [A Guide to the Introduction of Australian Trees into China]; translated 3 books: [A Classification of the Eucalypts], [Eucalypts for Wood Production], [OAK- The Frame of Civilization] and over 100 papers published.

I gratefully acknowledge ANU Forestry, Professor Wu Zhonglun and Professor Pryor, and many Australian research partners and friends with enduring professional links over 40 years.

 我是自1949年以来中国政府选派的第一个去澳大利亚学习林业的公费留学生,于1982年进入澳大利亚国立大学林学系,1984年回国。作为研究员、博士研究生导师和研究室主任,在中国林业科学研究院林业研究所从事桉树、松树和栎树等外来树种引种驯化研究。曾主持第一个中澳国际合作研究项目“澳大利亚阔叶树种引种与栽培试验”、国际科学基金会课题“细叶桉地理种源试验和桉树芳香油树种选择”、国家科技攻关“国内外重要工业用材树种引种驯化”、中英国际合作研究“加勒比松遗传改良与早期营建”、 林业部 “栎树种质资源与栽培技术的引进”等项目。在中国林学会、国际林联(IUFRO)、联合国粮农组织(FAO)等学术团体和国际组织担任职务,华南农业大学客座教授,爱丁堡大学和澳大利亚科工组织(CSIRO)访问学者。多次带领陪同澳大利亚新西兰林学会代表团、英国皇家林学会代表团和美国林业专家组来华科技交流和野外考察。获林业部科技进步二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖和1997国务院政府特殊津贴。发表著作4部,译著3部,论文集4部,论文100多篇。

Ms Liu Bing
Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Queensland University of Technology


Liu Bing is currently the Deputy Consul-General and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai. Bing managed the Austrade East China network of offices by providing business opportunities and services for Australian entities in trade, education and inward investment.  Prior to this role, Bing worked as Senior China Adviser; Acting General Manager, Asia; Acting Executive Director, International Markets and Asia Lead, Global Markets based in Austrade’s Sydney office.
Bing has worked in similar roles both at the Australian Consulate in Guangzhou and the Australian Embassy in Beijing respectively from 2004-2012.  Bing holds a bachelor degree of Medicine from China and a bachelor degree of Nursing from Queensland University of Technology. 
Bing excels at people skills, her ability of critical and creatively thinking had helped many businesses and organisations solving problems in the Greater China market.  Her professionalism has impressed everyone who worked with her.  Bing has won recognition from her own agency and the Australian business community.  For example, in 2022, Bing won both the Australian Day Award and the Austcham Woman in Leadership Award.   