Australia China Alumni Award for Research and Science
This award recognises alumni who have contributed to the development of research and science which has made a significant impact on the Australia-China community.
All nominees are expected to have advanced current knowledge in a particular field, through significant research or scientific work in an academic, corporate or technological setting.
A nominee’s achievements can span all fields of study and work (for example, sciences, technology, medicine, or academic research).
To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE
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Shiyong Zhao | Yinshuo Xu | Xin Wang |
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Wuqi Qiu JUDGE’S COMMENDATION | Matthew McKay WINNER | Li Gao |
![]() ![]() | Mr Shiyong Zhao | 赵石永 先生 Curtin University Research Associate of Curtin University 科廷大学校友 科廷大学博士后研究员 Perth Graduated from Curtin University in 2020 with a PhD in Chemical Engineering, Dr. Shiyong Zhao is now working at Curtin University as a Postdoc researcher. He serves as an associate editor-in-chief of the Frontiers in Chemistry special issue on Micro/nano materials for energy storage and conversion. He has been serving as the journal reviewer for many high impact peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Energy Storage, Carbon, Small, etc. He has applied and granted with 7 Australian Synchrotron funding more 1 million dollars. He made series of achievements on nano-carbon materials and single atom catalysis, who published 33 peer-reviewed papers including 21 first (co-first) author and corresponding author papers including Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, etc. with citation nearly 3800 times. His publications include 5 highly cited articles and 5 cover papers. He obtained 5 patents, together with 6 patent applications under process. He was honored as the Runner-up award of Postgraduate Research Excellence Award 2020 by Joint Chemical Engineering Committee of Western Australia. He was awarded the Chinese government award for outstanding self-finance students abroad 2020. He is keen to facilitate the healthy and collaborative relationship between Australia and China in the field of science and research development. 赵石永博士,毕业于科廷大学,在科廷大学从事博士后研究工作。他专注于纳米碳材料和单原子催化领域,以第一(含共同第一)作者和通讯作者发表论文21篇,高引用和 封面论文各5篇,引用近 3800余次。已获得专利5项,另6项在申请。他受邀担任尖端化学一期特刊副主编,并担任多个同行评审期刊的审稿人,受澳大利亚同步辐射项目资助超100万澳币。他获得西澳大利亚联合化学工程委员会2020年研究生卓越奖亚军, 2020年国家优秀自费留学生奖。 |
![]() ![]() | Ms Yinshuo Xu | 许寅硕 女士 University of Southern Queensland Associate Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics Humboldt Fellow 南昆士兰大学校友 中央财经大学副研究员 德国洪堡学者 Beijing Dr. Yinshuo Xu is an associate professor at the Institute of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in China, and also an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. She received her PhD degree in sustainable finance from the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in 2012. Since then she has been researching and teaching at CUFE in fields of green finance, payments for ecosystem services and international cooperation for environmental and biodiversity protection. In 2019, as one of the 20 prospective leaders worldwide in climate protection, Yinshuo was awarded the International Climate Protection Fellowship by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, and worked at the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) during 2019-2020 for her research project. She also attended side events in the 20th, 21st, 22ndand 25th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties as a delegate from universities, to make their research results known by the public. Yinshuo makes earnest endeavors to embed her research into teaching, so that students could be equipped with awareness, knowledge and capacity of sustainable development for the future mindset changing required by building a more sustainable world. She also leads a research team to continuously support the sustainable transformation of China local government by providing policy recommendations in green finance, ecosystem and biodiversity protection. 许寅硕博士,现任中央财经大学财经研究院副研究员,德国洪堡学者。2012年获得澳大利亚南昆士兰大学可持续金融学博士学位。博士毕业后,寅硕一直在中央财经大学承担绿色金融、生态系统服务付费和国际生态环境保护合作领域的教学和科研工作。2019年荣获德国洪堡基金会“国际气候保护奖”,作为全球气候保护领域的20名未来领导者之一,赴国际碳行动伙伴组织(ICAP)(德国柏林)进行为期一年的科学研究工作。她还作为高校代表,参加了联合国气候变化大会第20次,21次,22次和25次缔约方大会的边会活动,以使得团队关于应对气候变化的研究结果被公众了解和应用。 寅硕一直致力于将研究与教学工作融合,在教学中融入可持续发展理念,以使其教授的学生能够具备相关的意识、知识和能力,推动更为可持续的未来所需的思维模式改变。她也一直带领其研究团队为中国地方政府提供绿色金融、生态系统和生物多样性保护相关的政策建议,持续支持地方政府的可持续发展转型。 |
![]() ![]() | Mr Xin Wang | 王信先生 Vice-director in Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Director of Joint Orthopaedic Research Centre of Zunyi Medical University & University of Rochester Medical Centre; Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University 遵义医科大学 – 美国罗切斯特大学骨科联合实验中心主任; 遵义医科大学附属医院骨科行政副主任,遵义医科大学附属医院 Zunyi Dr. Xin Wang graduated from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) with a Ph.D. in 2016. His project focused on the development of strategies to accelerate early bone defect healing. Since his completion, he has published more than 14 scientific journal articles (Total impact factor: 64.037, Average impact factor: 4.574, the highest impact for a single paper: 12.35). He has successfully secured a total of approximately $200,000 research grants between 2017 and 2020. During his Ph.D. candidature (2013-2016), Dr. Wang was awarded QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award for 2016, QUT High Achiever HDR Student in March & April 2016, and a Supervisor Scholarship and QUT HDR Tuition Fee Sponsorship. After graduation from QUT, Dr. Wang volunteered to work in Guizhou Province, the poorest province located in Southwest China. In 2016, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Guizhou Province accounted for only 1.58% of China. The mountainous areas and the extreme weather can be considered the main culprits behind poverty. Dr. Wang has been promoted as the head of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University; he has been positively engaging in routine clinical work and is currently in charge of more than 5,000 hospital beds with 24,000 outpatients between 2017 and 2021. He has operated on more than 2,000 surgical patients with complex spinal disorders, especially for remote rural residents. On the other hand, Dr. Wang, as the principal supervisor, has supervised eight HDR students. 王信博士于2016年毕业于昆士兰科技大学(QUT),获得博士学位。他的研究课题主要致力于制定加速早期骨缺损愈合的策略。自完成学业以来,他在科学期刊上发表了14篇以上的文章(总影响因子:64.037,平均影响因子:4.574,单篇论文的最高影响因子:12.35)。2017年至2020年间,他成功获得了总计约20万澳元的研究经费资助。在攻读博士学位期间(2013-2016年),王博士获得了2016年QUT杰出博士论文奖、2016年3月和4月QUT高水平HDR学生奖、导师奖学金和QUT HDR学费奖学金赞助。 从昆士兰科技大学毕业后,王博士自愿到中国最落后的,且位于西南地区的贵州省工作。2016年,贵州省的国内生产总值(GDP)仅占中国全国的1.58%。山区地貌和极端天气被视为导致该省份贫困落后的主要原因。王博士被破格提升为遵义医科大学附属医院骨科主任,并积极参与日常临床工作。在2017年至2021年间,他目前已诊治了5000多张住院病人和24000名门诊患者。他为2000多名患有复杂脊柱疾病的患者进行了外科手术,尤其是偏远农村地区的患者。另一方面,王博士作为主导师,指导了8名HDR学生。 |
![]() | Mr Wuqi Qiu | 邱五七 先生 JUDGE’S COMMENDATION Griffith University Director, Public Health Strategy Research Office and Department of Research and Education 格里菲斯大学校友 医学信息研究所公共卫生战略情报研究室主任,科研教育处长 Beijing based As the Director of Public Health Strategy Research Office, Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Dr. Wuqi Qiu has been actively involved in leading research projects of national importance, from developing strategies to address key population health challenges, such as the early diagnosis and treatment of cancers, the prevention and control of pandemics, and policy research to improve medical information and public health management systems. While contributing to several key public health areas in China, it is Qiu’s timely and important research on risk communication and the emergency management of pandemics that has caught the world’s attention in the context of COVID-19. Qiu was able to demonstrate how important risk communication is for the effective emergency management of pandemics. His many publications about pandemics in international high ranking journals have been widely read. Among them, the most popular article entitled, “The Pandemic and its Impacts”, has been read more than 90,000 international scholars according to Research Gate. He has won over 50 project grants, produced over 120 journal articles, edited and contributed chapters to 12 books, and received 17 academic and professional awards. 作为中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院医学信息研究所公共卫生战略研究室主任,邱五七博士从发展人口健康战略到应对重大挑战,积极参与国家重大项目研究,例如癌症的早诊早治、疾病大流行预防控制及改善公共卫生管理体系等政策研究。在为中国公共卫生若干关键领域做出贡献的同时,他在新冠肺炎疫情对疾病大流行应急管理风险沟通的及时而重要研究,也引起了世界的关注。他的研究论述了风险沟通对疾病大流行有效应急管理的重要性。他在国内外高质量的学术期刊上发表的关于疾病大流行与公共卫生应急管理的多篇文章被广泛阅读。据Research Gate 统计,其中最受欢迎的文章《The Pandemic and its Impacts》已被超过9万名国际学者阅读。共承担各类科研项目资助50余项,发表学术论文120余篇,编著专著12部,获各类学术及职业奖项17项。 |
![]() ![]() | Mr Matthew McKay WINNER University of Sydney Queensland University of Technology Professor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 悉尼大学和昆士兰科技大学校友 香港科技大学教授 Hong Kong Dr Matthew McKay, a Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has made influential contributions to science and technology, spearheading a unique multidisciplinary research program that applies methods rooted in data science and engineering to address broad challenges related to infectious diseases. Dr McKay and his team, including PhD students, were among the earliest scientific contributors during the current global pandemic, reporting results to guide vaccine designs just weeks after the first COVID-19 genetic sequence was released. His work has influenced the design of multiple COVID-19 vaccines and has been used extensively by scientists to analyze blood samples of recovered patients to understand the mechanisms by which natural immunity defeats COVID-19. Dr McKay’s work in innovating engineering approaches for combatting public health challenges is well recognized internationally and led to his selection as a Young Scientist at two of the highest profile scientific and industry forums held in China each year – the World Economic Forum and the World Laureates Forum. Through these forums and others, Dr McKay advocates to industry leaders, academic leaders, entrepreneurs, government and public health officials, the roles and opportunities that data science and engineering create in developing the vaccines of the future. 香港科技大学教授 Matthew McKay 博士对科学和技术做出了极具影响力的贡献,率先开展了一项独特的跨学科研究计划,该计划应用植根于数据科学和工程技术的方法来应对与传染病相关的技术挑战。 McKay 博士和他的团队,包括博士生,是当前全球新冠疫情大流行期间最早的科学贡献者之一,他们在第一个 COVID-19 基因序列发布几周后就报告了能够指导疫苗设计和研发的研究成果。他的工作影响了多种 COVID-19 疫苗的设计和研发,并被科学家广泛用于分析康复患者的血液样本,以了解人体自然免疫能够消除 COVID-19 的机制。 McKay 博士在创新工程方法以应对公共卫生挑战方面的工作在国际上广受认可,并因此被选为每年在中国举办的两个最受瞩目的科学和行业论坛——世界经济论坛和世界顶尖科学家论坛的青年科学家。通过这些论坛和其他渠道,McKay 博士向行业领袖、学术领袖、企业家、政府和公共卫生官员宣传数据科学和工程技术在未来疫苗研发设计方面的作用和机会。 |
![]() ![]() | Mr Li Gao | 高立 先生 Victoria University Research Strategist, South East Water 维多利亚大学校友 东南水务研究战略员 Melbourne Dr Li Gao currently works as the Research Strategist at South East Water Melbourne and is responsible for its strategic research. His work mainly focuses on the development of novel water treatment technologies and better understanding of emerging contaminants, which helps to protect public health and the environment. Li has achieved exceptionally high quality of research outcomes, which can be demonstrated by two successful grants from the highly competitive Australian Research Council funding scheme. Due to Li’s outstanding research, he was appointed as the Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Griffith University. More importantly, the excellent PhD study provided by Victoria University allows him not only focus on the ‘blue sky’ research, but also ‘real world’ problems and solutions. He has successfully initiated a collaboration with RMIT University to investigate the fate and transfer of microplastics at treatment plants, leading to a better management of microplastics. He has also coordinated South East Water’s involvement in the national research initiative to monitor COVID-19 virus fractions in wastewater systems. It helps the community to identify infections clusters and timelines of outbreak, which has been highlighted by various national and international media. 高立博士, 现任墨尔本东南水务研究战略员并负责其战略研究。他的工作主要集中在新型水处理技术的研发以及对新兴污染物的处理。高立博士通过激烈竞争成功获得了澳大利亚研究委员会的两项资助,体现了他杰出的研究能力和成果。他还被澳大利亚格里菲斯大学聘为兼职高级讲师为学生讲授环境课程。 更为重要的是,高立博士不仅专注于理论的研究,还致力于解决“现实世界”的问题。他发起了与澳洲RMIT大学的合作研究水体中微塑料的迁移和转化,为实现对微塑料的有效管理提供了技术支持。他还协调东南水务参与国家研究计划-检测废水系统中 COVID-19 病毒成分。这个项目有效的帮助社区确定感染群和病毒爆发时间,被国内外的媒体关注。 |