The National Foundation for Australia China Relations International Student Award for Contribution to Social Engagement and Diversity
This Award recognises international and Australian students currently enrolled in any Australian institution who have made outstanding contributions to Chinese students’ understanding of Australia or to the Australian community’s understanding of international students.
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Chunyu Zheng WINNER | Ruixin Wang | Xiaoran Sun | Yinfeng Shen | Adrienne Bray JUDGE’S COMMENDATION |
![]() ![]() | Chunyu Zheng | 郑春雨 WINNER Master’s student of University of Sydney 悉尼大学学生 China Chunyu has been greatly active in university activities as an International Student Ambassador, the executive from 3 societies, a Student Representative, and an international student mentor and mentor leader. She has been contributing over 345 hours in 2021 so far in these roles. Chunyu developed and led a variety of orientation events, mental health as well as study-related activities, along with multilingual programs in response to the COVID-19 and university’s shift to online facilitation, among which, over 30 mentees she helped gave outstanding feedback, and the ‘Study with FASS’ increased the university’s social media presence by 1,066%. USYD granted her with Student Leadership Award for Outstanding Impact and nominated her for the NSW International Student Award in recognition of her contributions. Outside the university, Chunyu also contributes to many local and cross-national communities. She is the International Student Ambassador at the City of Sydney and has been the voice for Chinese International Student with multilingual insights, an editor at the United Nation Youth magazine that exploring international affairs and global issues from a youth perspective, the videographer of The QUO – an Australian independent media platform which focus on social issues, a member of Pride Network 在悉尼大学校内,郑春雨作为国际学生大使、3个社团的管理者、国际学生导师、导师负责人、以及学生代表,她一直活跃于各项大学活动,仅今年而言已经在所有项目里投入了超过 345 小时。 为了应对全球疫情带来的新改变,她领导组织了非常多迎新项目、心理健康以及学习相关的活动,还有跨文化的项目。其中,她一对一负责的超过30个大一新生也对她有非常好的评价反馈,”Study with FASS”项目帮助大学社交媒体账号提升了1,066% 的关注度。 USYD 授予她杰出影响学生领袖奖,并将她提名为新南威尔士州国际学生奖,以表彰她的贡献。 在大学之外,郑春雨还为许多澳洲当地和跨国跨文化的不同社区做出了贡献:她是悉尼市政的国际学生大使,带来全球化观点的同时也不断为中国国际学生发声;她同时也是澳洲联合国青年杂志的编辑,从青年的角度探索国际事务和全球问题;她同时还是一个专注于社会问题的澳洲独立媒体平台The QUO 的摄像师和媒体运营管理成员;并且在Pride Network 帮助LGBTQIA+群体发声。 |
![]() ![]() | Sybil Wang | 王睿欣 student of University of Queensland Partnership Manager of ACYA National Committee 昆士兰大学学生 中澳青年联合会合作伙伴关系主管 Beijing She has been serving as Partnership Manager on the ACYA (Australia-China Youth Association) National Executive Committee since 2020, where she promotes and facilitate cross-cultural understanding and engagement; Build strong friendships, developing academic and business ties with all categories of companies. As well as cultivate and maintain relationships among business partners while also developing strategies to increase revenue for the organization. She was also the Secretary of ACYA Nanjing local chapter, where she made great contribution in building bond between Jiangsu province and Shanghai. She has been working with Project Yumi Inc., an Australian non-profit organization that dedicated to supplying sustainable and achievable outcomes through assisting communities in rural areas of Papua New Guinea. She has assisted Project Yumi Inc. formulated sustainable development strategies and increasing its influence in Australia as a member along with other members on the Student Consulting Team. She provided suggestions on aspects of maximizing community influence, expanding partnerships, increasing social and cultural ties, as well as developing volunteers to improve companies and individuals’ willing to donate to Papua New Guinea (PNG). She has also been a mentor of a young girl at the World Academy For the Future of Women for six months, and had made effort and contribution in encouraging young females and raising the issue of gender equity. 自 2020 年以来,她一直担任 ACYA(澳中青年协会)全国执行委员会的合作伙伴经理,在那里她为中澳青年搭建友好、互信的平台,帮助他们更好的理解中西方文化的交融与碰撞。 她有良好的沟通与协调能力,在与各类公司及合作伙伴之间的交往中架起了一座相互信任、及时高效解决问题的桥梁。同时她还积极发展学术和商业联系,使学术成果能够有效的转化为实际应用,为人类文明进步添砖加瓦。 她还是ACYA南京地方分会的秘书长,为江苏省与上海的沟通与合作做出了积极贡献。 她与澳大利亚非营利组织 Project Yumi Inc. 合作,该组织致力于通过帮助巴布亚新几内亚农村地区的社区,提供可持续和全方位的解决方案。作为学生咨询团队的成员,她协助 Project Yumi Inc. 制定可持续发展战略并提高其在澳大利亚的影响力。她就最大限度地提高社区影响力、扩大合作伙伴关系、增加社会和文化联系以及培养志愿者以提高公司和个人向巴布亚新几内亚 (PNG) 捐款的意愿,提出了自己的看法及建议。她还在世界妇女未来学院担任了六个月的导师,鼓励年轻女性自立自强,并在性别平等及人权方面积极发声。 |
![]() ![]() | Xiaoran Sun | 孙小然 Student of University of Melbourne Intern at the Advocacy and Media Relations Division United Nations For Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) 墨尔本大学学生 宣传和媒体关系处实习生 Beijing Xiaoran Sun is a student at The University of Melbourne, majoring in Asian Studies and Sociology. Since the first day she started immersing herself in the Australian multicultural community, she has also been engaging in the expression of her Chinese identity. As an enthusiast of traditional Chinese culture, she has founded HHS Hanfu Dance Group in 2017 and is dedicated to promoting Hanfu culture into the English-dominated community. In 2019, she led the performances of the Chinese History and Garment Society at cultural events based in Melbourne. She has also joined Unimelb Mandarin Language Club by teaching Chinese languages and Chinese painting to other Australian and International students. Xiaoran’s passion for Australia-China space starts from the Australia-China Emerging Leaders’ Summit (ACELS). During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, she volunteered as the delegates director and aimed to shape a shared future while building a platform for young people in both nations. Then she has selected as the Australia China Youth Association (ACYA) Women’s Network Manager and Unimelb Chapter Education Director for foresting cross-cultural communications. As the Australia-China Alumni Association (ACAA) Social Media Ambassador, she has created and promoted dozens of articles and videos reflecting on international students’ lives. She hopes the genuine friendship and people to people connections between the Australian and Chinese youth could be seen by the broader society and mainstream media. 孙小然就读于墨尔本大学亚洲研究与社会学专业。从出国留学的第一天起,她一直努力表达自身的文化认同。身为汉服爱好者的她于2017年创立映日霓裳汉舞团,致力于在海外推广传统文化。随后在2019年代表墨大汉服社多次参与在当地多元文化活动。与此同时,她也在墨大汉语社面向澳大利亚和其他国家的学生们教授对外汉语和国画。 小然对于中澳领域的兴趣始于中澳青年领袖发展峰会,在2020年疫情期间她曾任峰会的代表主管,随后又作为中澳青年联合会女性社区经理和墨大分会教育主管,持续塑造两国青年之间沟通交流的平台。作为澳中同学会媒体大使,她在过去两年中创作并传播了数十篇反应留学生活的文章和视频, 并希冀更多社会群体、主流媒体能够看到中澳青年之间的诚挚友谊和紧密连接。 |
![]() ![]() | Yinfeng Shen | 沈寅峰 Student of University of Sydney President of ACYA of UniSyd 悉尼大学学生 中澳青年联合会,悉尼大学分会主席 Sydney Yinfeng Shen is a respected youth leader and recent graduate from the University of Sydney, striving to facilitate meaningful cultural exchange through mutual understanding. He has been successful at maintaining highly respected student leadership and volunteer roles both within and outside university and inspired many of his fellow peers in the Australia-China space and beyond. As the Board Director (University of Sydney Union) and Education Officer (Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association), he serves vital roles of advocating for students by developing peer-to-peer support programs, leading anti-racism campaigns and motivating students via University social media takeovers during the challenging period of COVID-19. He was the International Student portfolio holder and Chair of Clubs and Societies Committee, that oversaw 200+ clubs on campus and transformed the support and funding system. He represents the student body in major decision-making processes and drives change through campaigns on cultural diversity, inclusion and sustainability which have enhanced the student experience and positively impacted the broader community. Yinfeng was a delegate to the 10th, 11th and 12th Australia-China Emerging Young Leaders Summit (ACELS). As the President of Australia China Youth Association, University of Sydney Chapter, he revitalized the society and organized inter-varsity events in conjunction with ACYA National, other local chapters across Australia and China and other organizations not limited to Australia-China Relations Institute, Australia China Business Council, University Center in China, China Matters and Investment NSW. Yinfeng is a research assistant for Australia’s Asian Business Report and academic tutor at the University of Sydney Business School. He designed the engagement plan for over 600 students within the course: Enterprise Management in China. Yinfeng was selected as 2019 Australia China Economics, Trades and Culture Association (ACETCA) Elite Youth. In recognition of his dedication towards making the University of Sydney more inclusive and connected, and bridging the gap between domestic and international students, Yinfeng was awarded the 2020 Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Life) Outstanding Services Award and the 2021 Convocational Medal for Undergraduate Leadership. 沈寅峰,毕业于悉尼大学,是一位杰出的青年领袖。 他致力于跨文化沟通与交流。他在校内外担任多项领导和志愿者工作,激励和团结了中澳及其他国际领域的青年,备受尊敬。 作为悉尼大学学生会(USU)的董事和悉尼大学研究生代表协会(SUPRA)的教育官员,在充满挑战的Covid-19疫情期间,他开发点对点同伴指导计划,领导反歧视主义倡议,通过大学的社交媒体激励学生,在学生身心健康发展方面发挥着重要作用。他曾是学生会的国际生代表和俱乐部与社团委员会主席,负责管理校园内 200 余个社团,通过努力,进一步推动了资金补助和服务支持机制的积极改变。他在校园重大决策过程中代表学生团体,推广了有关文化多样性、包容性和可持续性的倡议,改善了学生的校园体验,并对更广泛的校园环境产生了积极影响。 沈寅峰曾是第十届、第十一届和第十二届中澳青年领袖峰会(ACELS)的代表。作为中澳青年联合会(ACYA)悉尼大学分会的主席,他使社团活力再现,并与ACYA National、中澳的其他地方分会以及澳大利亚-中国关系研究院(ACRI),澳大利亚中国工商业委员会(ACBC),大学中国中心,中国事务 (China Matters),新南威尔士州投资部 (Investment NSW) 等组织一起举办校际活动。学术方面,沈寅峰担任澳大利亚亚洲商业报告的研究助理和悉尼大学商学院的学术助教。他执教’中国企业管理’,并为课程中的 600 多名学生设计了课程体验与活动计划,以促进了跨文化交流与理解。 此外,沈寅峰曾获2019年中澳杰出青年的荣誉称号。 他致力于让悉尼大学更具包容性和联结性,为表彰他对架起本土和国际学生之间沟通纽带的持续付出,沈寅峰被授予 2020 年悉尼大学副校长(学生生活)杰出服务奖和 2021 年悉尼大学本科生领导力奖章。 |
![]() ![]() | Adrienne Bray | 唐葫芦 JUDGE’S COMMENDATION The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学校友 Nanjing Adrienne has been an active community leader in the Australia China youth and alumni space for many years, from assisting Chinese international students in Australia to encouraging young Australians to learn more about Asia and China. Adrienne is also fluent in Mandarin. In 2017, Adrienne began her Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne as a Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar, and in 2018 received the Melbourne Global Scholars award to attend a Chinese language intensive at Fudan University in Shanghai. During her time there, she discovered a profound passion for Chinese culture and language, recognising the need for more young Australians to better understand the cultures of China and Asia, beyond just business and trade. Returning to Australia, she changed her major to Asian Studies and Chinese, and went on to represent Australia at the 18th Chinese Bridge Competition and attended Tsinghua University’s summer school, receiving two scholarships from Hanban and Tsinghua. Adrienne not only has shown academic excellence, but she has also put her skills into practice to serve the communities around her. She also has placed bringing people together as a core part of her service for the community. In 2019 Adrienne launched the “Let’s Grab a Coffee” initiative which later received funding from the Scanlon Foundation, an organisation in Melbourne focussed on building a better multicultural and inclusive society. Over a coffee, Adrienne brought together students, alumni, and professionals across cultural divides to relate to one another and open up dialogue. In 2020, Adrienne was elected as the National Secretary of the Australia China Youth Association (ACYA) and played a key role in supporting student communities throughout the global pandemic. She played an important role in pivoting ACYA’s programs online, expanding career and internship opportunities, and making ACYA a more diverse and inclusive youth organisation. Adrienne’s advice for international students and alumni is to study what you are passionate about, don’t always follow the trend, and focus on the big picture. Her advice to young Australians is, after travel restrictions ease, travel to Asia and start learning an Asian language today. 自2017年以来,唐葫芦在中澳青年和社会组织的社区里积极当作志愿者和青年领袖。从帮助中国留学生到鼓励澳大利亚年轻人更多地了解亚洲并且学习中文,唐葫芦在校友、青年和非政府组织领域开展了多项活动,帮助创建平台让人们聚集在一起,促进相互理解和友谊。她的普通话流利,曾多次获得中国研究方面的学术奖学金。 |