Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award
This award is open to all alumni who are not yet 35 years old and are involved in fields of employment, community service or voluntary work.
All nominees should demonstrate integrity, initiative and innovation and be on a fast trajectory to leadership in their field.
This award recognises the achievements of our young alumni and celebrates their outstanding talent, accomplishments, and the contributions they have made to the wider Australia-China community.
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Wandi Cao | Kyle Chen | Mingming Chen | Yi Fan | |
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Joy Lin | Yang Shen | Jing Sun WINNER | Li Ciao Yu | Mica Zhao |
![]() | Wandi Cao | 曹琬笛 University of Melbourne alumna 墨尔本大学校友 Brand Manager | Account Executive, Brand Catalyser 目览触达公司,品牌经理 | 客户对接 Sydney based Wandi Cao is currently working at a cross-border advertising agency in Australia. She graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Master’s degree in Art Curatorship. During her postgraduate studies, she co-curated the exhibition “Amplified, Redefined: Protest for Change” at the George Paton Gallery, which illustrated how the student union has been at the forefront of progressive social actions. In 2018, her exhibition proposal Algorithm was named the finalist of the Emerging Curator Program by the Shanghai Power Station of Art. After graduation, she continues to act as an advocator for art. On social media such as Xiaohongshu, she has produced and released original content, ranging from art student’s study abroad experience, a series of video interviews with art workers, book commentaries and recommendations, to local entertainment events promotions. Since May 2020, her posts have reached over 160,000 views. Wandi holds passion for empowering the young generation. During her time at the advertising agency, Wandi has initiated a Summer Internship Bootcamp to provide international students with advertising industry workshops and local working experiences in Australia. She went on to offer career advice and job opportunities to international students. Curator, artist, bilingual stand-up comedian, art blogger, advertiser – Wandi believes that the more titles one holds, the more vivid their life would be. May Arts and Humanities be your relief and strength. 曹琬笛现就职于一家澳洲跨境广告公司。她毕业于墨尔本大学艺术策展专业硕士。读研究生期间,她联合策划并展出了墨尔本大学学生运动历史展,梳理了墨大建校以来,学生会对社会运动的积极参与与领导。2018年,她的展览策划《算法》入围上海当代艺术博物馆青策计划。毕业后,她仍致力于艺术推广与文化交流。在小红书等社交媒体上,介绍艺术留学,发布艺术工作者系列采访视频,好书推荐,与文艺活动推广。从2020年5月迄今,她的帖子已超过16万的浏览量。 琬笛对于支持年轻一代的发展同样具有热忱。在工作中,她发起暑期实习营,为了国际留学生提供广告行业专业知识培训和澳洲本地工作机会。并且持续为留学生实习和就业提供咨询和工作机会。 策展人,艺术家,双语单口喜剧演员,艺术博主,广告人,众多的头衔只会让生活愈加多彩。愿人文艺术给予你慰藉和力量。 |
![]() | Kyle Chen | 陈南 RMIT University alumnus 墨尔本皇家理工大学校友 Creative Director, Sense Tider Sense Tider公司的创意总监 Melbourne based Nan Chen, who has been active in the Chinese theatre and film industry as an actor before coming to Australia, has been involved in numerous artistic projects promoting multicultural exchange after graduating from RMIT University with a master of media in 2018. As the lead actor in the VCA’s one-shot short film “IDOL”, he was awarded the 2020 Brooklyn Film Festival Best Actor. The short film also won several international professional awards and nominations, including the Best Short Film Award at the Sydney Film Festival and the Brooklyn Film Festival. As a director, Nan Chen worked for Australia 8TV and directed a series of television programs focusing on the lives of immigrants and was broadcasted on Victoria’s Channel 31. He also used the program as a bridge to interview Australian Aboriginal elder Carolyn Briggs to educate the Chinese community on Australia about Aboriginal history and culture. In addition to his work as an actor and director, Nan Chen currently contributes to the artistic exchange between Australia and China as the creative director of Sense Tider by planning successful social media campaigns, live streams and offline events for various organizations and brands across Australia and China. 陈南,在来澳前作为演员一直活跃在中国戏剧与影视行业。2018年RMIT大学传媒硕士专业毕业后,参与了众多促进多元文化交流的艺术项目。作为男主演出演由VCA出品的一镜到底短片“IDOL”(流量),获得了2020年布鲁克林电影节最佳男演员,短片也获得悉尼电影节及布鲁克林电影节最佳短片奖等多项国际专业奖项和提名。除了演员及导演的工作之外,陈南目前作为Sense Tider的创意总监为中澳多个机构和品牌策划了成功的社交媒体活动、大型直播及线下活动等,为中澳间艺术交流做出贡献。 |
![]() | Mingming Cheng | 程明明 University of Technology Sydney alumnus 悉尼科技大学校友 Senior Lecturer, Curtin University 科廷大学高级讲师 Perth based Dr Mingming Cheng is an award-winning advocate, educator, and researcher with an international reputation in digital economy and tourism. He was the youngest tourism academic in Australia to win – the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Fellows Award and the International Academy of the Study of Tourism Emerging Scholar of Distinction Award (the ‘Oscar’ for early career tourism researchers), which recognises his significant contribution to ground breaking and innovative research in tourism. As a leading authority on Australia-China tourism, Dr Cheng regularly provides expert commentary in the mainstream media including the ABC News and the South China Morning Post, reaching millions of readers. His work has been also used to inform policy on Australia-China relations. In 2019, he sat on a panel alongside the former New Zealand Prime Minister to discuss the future of tourism trade with China. His extensive public engagement and research impact have been recognised by over a dozen awards including Curtin Business School New Researcher of the Year and Teaching Excellence awards. Since 2014, Dr Cheng has provided numerous trainings for a range of stakeholders in Australia (e.g., Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) and the wider Asia Pacific (e.g., International Automobile Federation) fostering digital innovation and connection with China. In 2021, he established a Chinese International Students Storyboard to address the concerns of Chinese students studying in Australia. Dr Cheng has life mission to support the economic, social and cultural prosperity of our community. 程明明博士是一名屡获殊荣的教育家,数字经济和旅游领域的领军学者。2020年,程明明博士因其在旅游研究领域的卓越贡献,被授予澳大利亚旅游和酒店教育委员会院士奖和国际旅游研究学院新兴杰出学者(旅游领域青年学者的“奥斯卡”金奖)。程博士是澳洲学者中最年轻的获奖者。 程博士长期受邀在主流媒体(如澳大利亚广播电台,南华早报)提供澳中旅游的专家视角,覆盖到高达千万的听众。2021程博士被提名澳洲广播电台最具有活力的思想家。他的意见还被澳洲政府部门采纳作为指导中澳旅游工作开展的重要依据。2019年,程博士作为唯一的华人学者被邀请与新西兰前总理一起讨论关于中国旅游贸易的发展前景。 从2014年开始,程博士长期受邀为澳大利亚和亚太地区的政府部门(如西澳大利亚农业部)、组织机构(如国际汽车联合会)以及中小企业提供关于旅游贸易和数字营销的指导和培训。作为海外华人旅游学者,程博士也一直热切关注在澳中国留学生。最近程博士成立了中国国际留学生数字论坛,分享在澳中国留学生的故事,帮助解决在澳中国留学生的担心和顾虑。 作为扎根多元化社区的旅游学者,程博士将以促进中澳社区经济、文化、社会繁荣发展为己任,在研究和生活中践行多元化社区的精神,回馈社会。 |
![]() | Yi Fan | 范祎 University of Melbourne alumna 墨尔本大学校友 Postdoctoral Researcher Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology 北京大学口腔医院 博士后 Beijing based I completed my PhD at Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne in 2019. Precise treatment planning, innovative clinical protocols and new technologies that have a positive impact on patient care have always been at the center of my work. A strong quest for clinical excellence and an excitement about new technological developments, paired with a deep passion for teaching and research, motivated me to continue my journey in dentistry after I went back to China. I am leading several rigorous and innovative projects to solve clinical problems in Dentistry. For example, I developed augmented reality navigation techniques to assist orthodontic mini-implant placement, which overcame inherent challenges in surgical visualization. I have published 18 SCI papers, won three international-recognized research awards in addition to book chapters to my credit. I am also a compassionate volunteer on many social works. I worked at Nightingale Cultural and Communication Centre to promote cultural exchange among teenagers between China and the globe. I served at Peking University Melbourne Alumni Association to organize events and provide platforms for sharing ideas. I also helped hearing-impaired children in the hospital. Melbourne is where I find my purpose, where I learn, grow, and envision bigger life for myself. 我于2019年在墨尔本大学牙学院完成博士学位。治疗计划的精确化、临床新技术新疗法的开发对患者有着有非常积极的作用,也一直是我工作的核心。怀着对临床技术精进的渴望,新技术开发的热忱以及对教学和科研的浓厚兴趣,我回到中国后继续牙科之旅。 我主持并参与多个严谨、创新的科研项目来解决牙科的临床实际问题。例如,我开发了基于增强现实的导航技术辅助正畸微螺钉的植入,该技术实现了手术区中解剖结构的可视化。目前,我已发表了18 篇 SCI 论文,获得了 3 项国际认可的学术奖项,此外我还参与了书籍的撰写。 我积极参加多项社会志愿工作。我曾担在南丁格尔文化交流中心工作,促进中国与世界青少年之间的文化交流。我曾担任北京大学墨尔本校友会理事,组织活动并提供交流思想的平台。此外,我还在医院帮助听力障碍的儿童。 墨尔本让我找到人生目标,是我学习、成长和让未来有无限可能的地方! |
![]() | Joy Lin | 林晓雨 Griffith University Alumnus 格里菲斯大学校友 Co-Founder & CEO of GAPPER INTERNATIONAL GAPPER国际义工旅行的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Shanghai based Joy Lin is the Co-founder and CEO of GAPPER INTERNATIONAL which offers a variety of volunteer programs in over 20 developing countries, helping local communities to find out a way to develop in long-term sustainability. Joy studied Tourism management in University of Queensland, then she acquired Master of Commerce in Griffith University. After served as an International volunteer in Nairobi Kenya during her gap year, she tried to solve the problem of regional inequalities through tourism arrangement, therefore she founded GAPPER International in 2012, using the concept of “Make a difference on the Way” to encourage China youth to get involved with local community of being volunteers while traveling. So far around 35000 volunteers has participated, and more than 35 NGOs are supported in Gapper program. In China, Gapper implemented serving location in over 15 villages, including Child Care, Animal Care, Environment Conservation, Village Education, Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience, and so on. Meanwhile, Gapper offer CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) service for companies or organizations who are aimed at raising the welfare of its workers, consumers and the environment. GAPPER is awarded the Excellent Business of Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, the Top 20 National Youth Federation One Belt, One Road Youth Entrepreneurship, and Forbe China Under 30 social enterprise. Joy Lin是GAPPER国际义工旅行的联合创始人兼首席执行官,致力于在20多个发展中国家通过志愿者项目来帮助当地社区实现长期可持续发展。 Joy 曾在昆士兰大学学习旅游管理,随后在格里菲斯大学取得商科硕士学位。间隔年的一次前往肯尼亚内罗毕做志愿者的公益经历,让她开始尝试通过“旅游服务”来解决各地区资源分配不平等问题。因此她于2012年创立了GAPPER国际义工旅行,以“Make a Difference on the Way”的口号,提出并发扬公益旅行的理念,为中国青年人提供更多探索世界的服务。9年来,GAPPER通过公益研学服务,让超过30000名年轻人通过旅行实践公益并实现自我成长,为国内外超过35个NGO和社会组织提供自我“造血”方案,在中国建立15个乡村建立志愿者服务站,提供的项目包括儿童关爱、动物保育、环境保护、乡村教育、非物质文化遗产体验等。 与此同时,GAPPER致力于为公益组织、商业公司及个人提供社会公益影响力解决方案及活动策划服务,积极推动民间公益行动,助力商业向善。 |
![]() | Yang Shen | 沈洋 University of Sydney alumnus 悉尼大学校友 Senior Manager of Organic Waste Leading Group Shenzhen Expressway Co Ltd 深圳高速公路股份有限公司 有机垃圾领导小组高级经理 Shenzhen based Ms Shen leads to long-term strategic cooperation with Henan energy group, kaiphosphorus group, Sinopec and other large state-owned enterprises, establish several resource and energy recycling projects for the treatment of general industrial solid waste on behalf of Guangzhou Enterprises in Guizhou, help local central enterprises and state-owned enterprises in Guizhou achieve energy conservation and carbon reduction of millions of tons a year, and practice the national strategic deployment of carbon peak and carbon neutralization. As a member of the core project team, she participated in the bid winning of Shenzhen Guangming District Industrial Park for daily treatment of 1000 tons of food waste in 2019 to turn food waste into treasure and produce biomass diesel, biogas power generation and biological fertilizer. 2017 and 2018 participated in the CPPCC meeting, wrote social and public opinion information and proposals, and wrote relevant proposals such as problems and Countermeasures for carbon reduction and comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste in China. In 2020, she was elected as a member of the youth working committee of Guangdong Provincial Committee of China Association for the promotion of democracy and a member of the working committee of resources and environment. Social title and position: – Energy and environmental protection industry investors; – 2019 Forbes China’s 30 young elites under the age of 30; – In 2015, the queen of Belgium and members of the Belgian Royal family received him as a representative on a state visit to China; – 2012 Phoenix Satellite TV miss China global competition, Sydney, Australia; – Best speaker of Pan Pearl River Delta Forum of Hong Kong University of science and technology; – Representative of outstanding exchange scholars of National University of Singapore 她主导达成与河南能源集团、开磷集团、中石化等大型国企长期战略合作,在贵州代表广州企业建立起数个处理一般工业固废的资源能源循环再生项目,帮助贵州当地央企国企实现节能减碳年数百万吨,践行国家碳达峰、碳中和的战略部署。 作为核心项目组成员参与2019年中标深圳光明区日处理1000吨餐厨垃圾产业园项目,将餐厨垃圾变废为宝,产生生物质柴油、沼气发电、生物肥料。 2017、2018参与政协会议撰写社情民意信息、提案,撰写《我国工业固废减碳及综合利用存在的问题及对策》等相关提案。并于2020年当选中国民主促进会广东省委员会青年工作委员会委员、资环工委委员职务。 社会头衔及职务: – 能源环保产业投资人 – 2019福布斯中国30个30岁以下的青年精英榜上榜者 – 2015年作为代表受来华进行国事访问的比利时王后及比利时王室成员接见 – 2012凤凰卫视中华小姐环球大赛澳洲悉尼赛区冠军 香港科技大学泛珠三角论坛最佳演讲者 – 新加坡国立大学优秀交流学者代表 |
![]() | Jing Sun | 孙婧 WINNER University of Queensland 昆士兰大学校友 Associate Professor, Tongji University 同济大学副教授 Shanghai based A/prof Jing Sun obtained her Ph.D degree from the University of Queensland, Australia in the field of Environmental Engineering and joined Tongji University, China in 2015. Her research works focus on wastewater collection and treatment engineering, mainly including developing economical and environmental-friendly technologies that guarantee the safety of wastewater collection systems and recovery energy and resources from wastewater and sludge. She is also a pioneer in wastewater-microplastics research. A/Prof. Sun has held 11 competitive research grants, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Similar to the ARC), as a Chief Investigator (CI). She has over 70 high-quality research papers, including 54 SCI journal papers and 2 authorized patents. Her H index is 23 and over 90% of her publications are in the top 10% journals (according to SciVal). Based on her research outcomes, A/Prof. Sun received over 10 international, regional, and institutional awards as a team member or individual, such as the International Water Association Global Project Innovation Awards (only winner, as a team member). She has also been a lecturer in several undergraduate and postgraduate courses. She developed MOOC on Industrial Wastewater Pollution Prevention with her colleagues, which is the first MOOC on this subject in China and attracting 10000 people from universities, industries, and communities. She was awarded as “Excellent University Course in Shanghai (provincial level)” and “Tongji University Teaching Achievement Award (First Prize)”. She is a management committee member of the International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Group, a scientific committee member of three high-level international conferences, and the editorial board member of three SCI journals, such as Environmental Research (IF=6.498) and Scientific Reports (IF= 4.379). 孙婧副教授博士毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰大学,于2015年入职同济大学环境科学与工程学院。她的研究聚焦污水收集与处理系统,主要包括排水管网安全保障与优化运行、污水及污泥中能源与资源的回收等。作为首席研究员,主持及参与国家自然科学基金等十多项科研项目,发表论文70 余篇,其中SCI论文54篇,授权发明专利2项。H指数为23 ,且90%的论文发表于领域内前10%的期刊(据SciVal 数据库)。获得国际水协会全球创新项目奖等团队或个人奖项10余项。讲授6门本科生或研究生课程,开设全国第一门《工业废水污染防治》慕课,吸引了10000多人参与。教学方面获得上海市精品课程、同济大学教学成果一等奖。担任国际水协会专家组管理委员会委员,2届国际会议学术委员会委员,以及Environmental Research (IF=6.498)和Scientific Reports (IF= 4.379)等多个SCI期刊编委。 |
![]() | Li Ciao Xu | 徐小乔 University of Southern Queensland Marketing Director; International Marketing Director, Coloro 上海元彩科技有限公司 市场总监 Shanghai based Ms. Ciao XU has eight years of experience in brand incubation both domestic and overseas. During her tenure at COLORO, she directs the B2B strategy of brands as marketing director. COLORO is the global authority on color trend forecasting for textile, apparel, and CMF fields. To through patent technology to convert sentimental color trends visualized in business intelligence. Ciao XU direct the team to work with other global, regional, and internal functions to differentiate the brand. She has successfully run major marketing campaigns reaching millions of audiences globally. This led to steep improvement in raising the vigorously brand awareness and nature and forge the trade, customer, and sales relationships. Merged with content marketing, publicity, sophisticated funnel operation to maximize brand equity. Through a consecutive market exposure for the brand and gathering leads to run as a community. Endorsed by internet celebrities and expertise, and newspaper and media. Being cost-conscious to gain free millions of clicks for the company by placing 5 videos on domestic search engines. Through sophisticated funnel operation to span leads growth and profitability. In China, the topic marketing of Traditional Chinese costume and colors receiving the invitation to be published by famous publishers. Whilst via communication strategy, COLORO received continuous cooperation from the fashion and art industry. Such as China Fashion Week, China Intangible Cultural Heritage Association, and relevant local intangible cultural heritage associations, such as Nanjing brocade, Chinese silk tapestry, and Song Brocade, with the theme of Traditional Chinese costume, which helped promote Chinese traditional colors. Ms. Ciao XU has also incubated brands in overseas listed companies and led brands to appear on the cover story of the well-known press such as Nanyang Business Daily, Oriental Daily, and Silicon Valley Investor and Bloomberg as well as interviewed by national TV stations. As a volunteer, she advocates participating in several non-profit organizations’ initiatives, the French Film and Culture Festival of the French Ministry of Education in 2014. In 2019, 2020, and 2021, he served as the mentor in the field of Marketing in Australia China Alumni Association Mentor Program and industrial Mentor Program of the University of Southern Queensland. Ciao XU女士拥有八年海内外品牌孵化经验,在权威色彩趋势机构COLORO任职期间,以市场总监的身份主导品牌的B2B策略。COLORO是纺织、服装和CMF领域色彩趋势预测的全球权威,通过专利技术将感性色彩趋势转化为可视化的商业智能数据。 通过品牌差异化的沟通策略,使品牌在全球范围内持续获取流量关注辅助业务增长。她通过品牌营销活动,融合内容营销、公关、成熟的漏斗运营,为品牌构建整合营销闭环。通过连续市场曝光在短时间内提高品牌知名度,开辟了新的商业盈利模式。优质的内容得到了网红、专家、报纸和媒体的支持,帮助品牌触达百万粉丝。通过在国内搜索引擎上放置5个视频,为公司获取百万级别的免费流量。 建立私域流量池,以精细化的用户运营形成长效品牌曝光为公司带来优质业务转化。 在国内,主笔汉服相关的传统服饰与色彩的话题营销为公司荣获出版社出版专题的机会。同期,COLORO以汉服专题受到时尚艺术领域的关注,例如中国时装周、中国非遗协会、相关的地方非遗协会例如南京云锦、缂丝、宋锦等协会的持续合作,为中国传统色彩助力。Ciao XU女士亦曾在海外上市公司孵化品牌,曾带领品牌登上知名媒体《南阳商报》《东方日报》《硅谷投资人》等封面以及接受国家电视台的采访。 以及,以志愿者身份参与多项非盈利组织机构的活动,例如,2014年法国教育部的法语电影文化艺术节。分别于2019年,2020年,2021年连任澳中同学会导师项目以及南昆士兰大学工业导师项目中担任市场学方面的导师。 |
![]() | Mica Zhao | 赵立竣 Central Queensland University alumnus 中央昆士兰大学校友 Partner, Mesoor AI 麦穗人工智能合伙人 Shanghai based Hi, my name is Lijun Zhao (Mica), My business scope is leading the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the human resources industry to make the recruitment more efficiency. I studied a Bachelor of Hospitality Management at CQUniversity’s Melbourne campus from 2011-2013. After my graduation, I moved back to China and have forged a career working in leading human resources companies, specialising in innovative artificial intelligence solutions. Currently, I am a Partner at Mesoor AI, a leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) and recruitment software service provider which provides corporate recruitment, headhunting and RPO for organisations. During my time as Partner at Mesoor AI, I have successfully signed contracts with customers including Net-ease, Xiaomi, Golden Education, Geely Automobile, China Soft International, Neusoft Group, Randstard and FESCO Adecco. In 2021, two years after I joined Mesoor AI as a Partner, the organisation was included in HRTechChina’s Top 30 Human Resources Technology Innovation Brands in China. Mesoor AI joined companies like Manpower Group, Guanaitong (subsidiary of Chinese Human Resource Provider CIIC, who have branches in 5 provinces servicing more than 18,000 customers), Microseer (received over $30M in funding, multi-award winning company) and FESCO (multi-award winning company established in 1978, and joined with Adecco in 2010). The inclusion of Mesoor AI in the list demonstrates the industry-recognised innovative applications and management practices of Mesoor AI. 大家好,我是赵立竣。我目前工作是深度挖掘与开发人工智能(AI)在人力资源行业招聘领域的应用,提高招聘效率。 我自2011年入学澳大利亚中央昆士兰大学(墨尔本校区),2013年从其毕业。毕业后我回到了我的故乡上海,开启了我人力资源领域方面的工作;包括人工智能深度学习模型的研发与实施。 目前我是麦穗人工智能的合伙人,麦穗人工智能是国内领先的人力资源招聘领域人工智能解决方案专家,服务的客户包括网易、小米、好未来、吉利汽车、中软国际、东软集团、赛诺菲、任仕达、外企德科、外服集团、中智集团等。 在我以合伙人身份加入麦穗人工智能的2年时间里,麦穗人工智能的品牌被众多的大型企业所知晓,也成了各家流媒体报道的对象,大大提升了麦穗其品牌在同行中的形象与地位。 |